C3 P6 - Roll Out Station

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2 Hours before Pearl and Marina returned home.

Agent 8 had just finished their first test. The group had been trying to figure out what was up with the other Octarians in there. Instead of helping Agent 8 like they expected, they attacked her without hesitation. What made things weirder is that they didn't look normal either, they were blue and green.

Agent 8 received her first Mem cake and held it fondly, the small inkling reminded her of...something. Whatever it was though it was something positive, so Agent 8 held on to that feeling, she needed something to keep her going down here.

Agent 8 boarded the train. The Cap'n and Agent 9 were sat down, patiently waiting for 8's return. Before they could say anything though, a strange noise came from the Cap'n's pocket. The Cap'n pulled it out and showed a radio. It was making static noises, as if something was happening on the other end.

Cap'n: "Huh... Is this thing working!?"

The radio continued making noises, the Cap'n appeared to be excited.

Cap'n: "Oho! I hear something! Come in, Agent 3! Agent 3, do you copy!?"

???: "Mic check, one-two, who the heck are you!?"

Cap'n: "EXCUSE ME?"

???: "Pearl! Didn't anyone teach you to respect your elders!?"

Cap'n: "Hwa-!? Who am I speaking to? Where is Agent 3!? State your names!"

Pearl: "Uh, I think I asked you first, dude. Anyway, I'm Pearl, but you can call me MC.Princess!"

Music then started playing through the radio.

Pearl: "My deets? I'm short and sweet! I spit that fire make posers perspire. Step to my game? I'll bring the pain, I'm never shook because I'm OFF THE HOOK!"

Cap'n: "Oho!? Check it, kid. Are you stepping to me with a rap battle? MC Craig in the house!"

Agent 9: "Cap'n please don't."

Cap'n: "Call me Cap'n Cuttlefish, but not because I cuddle fish. Smooth like butta bet you wish you could stunt a flow like this!"

Agent 9: "Please, have mercy."

The two of them continued rapping until they were interrupted.

???: "Okay you two... That's ENOUGH!"

The music abruptedly stopped, for a few moments there was an awkward silence.

???: "Mr. Cuttlefish, was it? We found a radio here and heard your transmission. We're currently on Mount Nantai. Where are you calling from?"

Cap'n: "Mount Nantai... Why that's near Octo Valley! Agent 8 and I were near there, but someone seems to have taken us deep underground..."

???: "I see... So you and this...Agent 8 don't know where you are? Sorry to hear that..."

Cap'n: "We also found this lad down here with us, I've named him Agent 9 for the time being. Both of the agents don't remember a thing."

Agent 9: "Hi..."

Agent 9 nervously mutters a greeting.

???: "How unfortunate... But worry not! From now on, you'll have me, Marina-aka DJ_Hyperfresh, supporting you!"

Marina: "I'll get to work analyzing your surroundings, and hopefully I'll be of some help to you!"

Pearl: "I don't really get what's going on, but hang tight. We got you!"

Cap'n: "OK, well Anyone who loves rapping is a friend of mine. Thanks for your help! We're off to pass some sorta tests and make our way to the promised land!"

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