C5 P1 - A Fishy Mystery

891 13 19

July 3rd (Day 36)

♪ Now Playing: Blitz It! (Chirpy Chips) ♪

Dan was in the middle of a Turf War match at Skipper Pavilion. He wasn't playing with anyone he knew, he just wanted some time to himself and, well, actually enjoy what this new world had to offer.

While you would think Dan is probably tired of fighting after all he has been through, there was just something about Turf War that always made him come back. No wonder it became such an integral part of Inkling culture!

As he ran into the middle area to take as much ground as possible, a Roller user snuck up behind him and brought his weapon of mass destruction down upon him, completely destroying Dan and sending him back to the Spawn Point.

Dan's soul flew into the machine and he rematerialized, shaking off the excess ink. Dan mumbled under his breath.

Dan: "This guy is gonna give me a run for my money, isn't he?"

Dualies in hand, Dan charged from the spawn point and headed straight into the middle, joining the fray.

As he was rolling in, he saw one of his teammates finishing off one of their opponents, but she seemed to not have noticed the Brella user behind her!

Dan: "Hey behind you!"

His teammate briefly looked at him before swinging around with her inkbrush, the Brella user deployed but had to back off in order to stay alive. Dan's ally then took off but not before shouting back.

Teammate: "Thanks for the save!"

♪ Now Playing: Now or Never! (Wet Floor (Also the best version of this song)) ♪

Dan then continued with his business. With a minute left, he was motivated to win!

Dan then found them, the roller user.

They did a small hop and then brought their roller down vertically, Dan quickly rolled and narrowly dodged the ink. With Dan being at the roller's side, he concentrated his firepower and, just before the roller could bring his weapon down, splatted him!

Dan: "Booyah!"

Dan then frantically looked around, did he just say that out loud?

Dan then heard his other teammates also chant "Booyah"! Dan smiled, feeling somewhat relieved, all the energy these Inklings had were making him feel like he was 14 again.

Dan pushed on, his team had the upper hand now, all they had to do was ink everything!

With 30 seconds left, the roller got more aggressive than before. He was rushing in, basically throwing himself at his team, and he was doing well! Dan tried to intercept his push, but the Brella user managed to sneak up and splat him!

Dan respawned once more. With 15 seconds left, he could only hope his teammates managed to stop them.

That's when he saw his teammate with the Inkbrush run in and catch the roller off-guard! He had been so focused on taking Turf that he had completely ignored his surroundings!

The Brush user was laying down ink as fast as they could, with the rest of the team joining in.



Dan threw a Burst Bomb!


The Burst Bomb landed!


His team had barely scraped a win! Judd showed the scores were 45.6% by 45.5%, a 0.1% difference! Dan celebrated with his team, it may had only been a Turf War match but it was sure intense.

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