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TW // mentions of death, depression, just overall sadness


Tommy sat at the edge of the cliff where the bench once was. He was alone. He sighed and looked at his compass, 'Your Tubbo', watching the the centerpiece spin in crazy circles. "What would I be without you, Tubbo?" ... "Yourself." Tommy closed his eyes, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. Tubbo was gone. He was alone. Alone.

Tubbo had sacrificed himself to save Tommy. Dream had escaped his imprisonment and showed up at their house. Dream had pearled to Tommy and was going to strike him down with a sword, but Tubbo jumped in front of Tommy, getting impaled. Tommy had beat Dream half to death in a fit of rage, he never knew he could do that, but he did. He held Tubbo in his arms, watching the light fade from his friend's once bright eyes. Tommy had cried. He had cried so hard he gagged. When he was done suffering for the moment, he turned to Dream who lay immobile on the ground, "Why?" ... "Why couldn't you have killed me? Why, oh why wasn't it me? H- he didn't deserve this." Tommy had grabbed Dream by the front of his hoodie and brought their faces close together. "Why...?" Dream of course, didn't respond, he just smiled. That sinister smile is what got him knocked out and nearly killed. If Techno hadn't showed up, Dream would surely be dead. Tommy would have killed him.

"When rage consumes us, we find new abilities we never thought we had."

Tommy sighed, clutching the compass as if it were a lifeline. He let tears slip down his face as he thought of his deceased friend. Tommy cried, not caring when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, he just cried. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Eret hugging him, saying things like 'It'll be alright' and 'he's in a better place now.' Tommy hugged Eret back, crying harder as he thought about it more.

"Death is like a long vacation. They've gone away, yet you'll see them again sometime."

When Tommy opened his eyes again, everyone was there. Techno, Sam, Niki, even Jack. Most of them held sad smiles on their faces as Eret stepped away from Tommy and Niki took a few steps toward the broken teen. "We all came together to give you something, Tommy," she started, pulling out an item wrapped in cloth. Niki handed it to Tommy, who slowly unwrapped it, "It's a sword and coat..." Tommy said as he examined it. "Look at what's on the coat and what the sword can do," Niki said softly, smiling.
My Tommy:
Fire aspect III
Mending II
Sharpness V
Unbreaking III
Looting II

Tommy then looked at the coat, it was a slightly tattered dark green bomber jacket with a giant bee and 'Bee Yourself' patch on the back. It also had various other small patches on the sleeves and front. A small L'Manburg flag was on the left sleeve, a Pogtopia patch beneath it, a POG2020 patch on the left front, Mellohi and Cat patches on the right front, and various other patches that represented things in Tommy and Tubbo's life. Tommy looked up at them, confused, "Wh-why is the sword named 'My Tommy'...?" Niki smiled slightly, "It was Tubbo's. He kept it hidden and wanted you to have it if he..." she trailed off before continuing, "Each enchantment means something. Tubbo once explained it." Niki stopped and looked to Sapnap, who spoke up, "Fire Aspect represents your fiery personality," Quackity then took a small step forward, "Mending stands for your ability to keep going, no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up," Fundy then piped up, "Sharpness stands for your sharp mind and your plan making skills. We all know you're a-" he laughs slightly, "A master at planning to scam people." Eret stepped forward, "Unbreaking stood for your unbreaking spirit. Your spirit was never broken, you always kept going." "And then," Ranboo started, shuffling awkwardly out of the small crowd, "Looting stood for how you always stole- I mean borrowed things from others when you needed them." "Tubbo made this sword based off of you, Tommy." Ponk said, "If he had made a sword based off of me I would have been honored." He added before stepping back again. "And the jacket was Tubbo's, we found it in his belongings and thought to give it to you after adding a few meaningful patches to it." Techno said, smiling sadly. Tommy didn't know what to say, he was silent. After a few moments, he smiled, tears sliding down his cheeks once more, "Thank you." Everyone gathered around Tommy, giving him a hug.

"Death isn't as bad as it's made out to be. It can bring new beginnings, or finish up old stories."


I really enjoyed writing this one, should I maybe try and make a book out of it? Anyways, sorry for slow updates, I just started school and things are getting even more rough. I'll update when I can (:
Have a great day/night <3

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