War changes people ~2~

604 21 5

TW // war mentions, death?, blood?, etc


Long after the walls were finished, Tommy went over to Wilbur, but he was talking quietly with Tubbo. Tommy sighed and went over to Niki, kneeling down beside where she was sitting. "Hey..." he said, giving her a sideways glance. "Hey, Tommy, how are you?" Niki asked, mildly surprised by Tommy's lack of rudeness. "I'm... pretty good I guess, you?" Tommy asked quietly, seeming to be not all there. Niki smiled slightly, "I've been alright," Tommy smiled slightly too, bringing himself back to the present. "Uh, I was wondering... is there any way you could fix this tear in my uniform...?" He asked tentatively. Niki giggled softly, "Of course!" Tommy then took off the overcoat and handed it to Niki, who began to look it over, "Wow, this thing sure took a beating today..." she mused, mainly to herself, "Yeah... and it's kind of my fault." Tommy laughed, causing Niki to smile. "Anyways, I'd better go talk to Wil," he added before getting back up, "Alright, just come see me later tonight and I should have this all fixed up!" Niki said happily, her mood brightened by the teen's happiness, which was rare. "Thank you!" Tommy shouted back to her as he raced over to Wilbur, who was still in deep conversation with Tubbo. Tommy waited patiently for the two to stop talking, which took a few minutes, but when the pair turned to go their separate ways, Tommy approached Wilbur, "Hey, uh- Wil?" He started cautiously


Ok, I'm ending this here for now because... I'm turning this concept into a story! Once I finish this part I will publish the whole thing, of course it will still be named "War Changes People" and will still have proper credits for the idea! Sorry for no updates to this, school has been a bit annoying and motivation has been lacking... anyways, stay tuned! :D

Of course I'll still update this, but it will be slower

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