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Warnings: fluff (platonic), deafness, maybe a few other things


Tubbo sighed, standing up and stretching before trotting over to his nightstand and grabbing a whiteboard and marker. The boy frowned as he left the room, heading out of his house and towards Tommy's, a slight spring in his step. The ram hybrid gently knocked on the front door of the large house, waiting patiently for someone to open it. His eyes wandered around the quaint front yard and surrounding woods, he was pulled back into reality when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly. It was just Tommy. 'Sorry if I scared you.' The blonde signed, his hands moving rather quickly. Tubbo smiled, his tail wagging quickly, 'It's fine!' He signed back. Tommy smiled, relieved, before moving to the side and letting his friend in, but before Tubbo could do anything, Tommy tapped his shoulder once more before quickly signing; 'I'm going to make us popcorn, I have something special set up for us today!' The boy paused for a moment before continuing, 'It's a surprise, so if you could, please stay with me.' Tubbo nodded and took a seat at the table while his friend made the popcorn. Tubbo didn't mind being deaf, though it did hinder him a lot... that's why he always had his whiteboard and marker with him so people could write down what they were saying if they didn't know sign language. The boy's ears flicked as he sat at the table, gently feeling his horns which were growing longer and bigger by the day. Tubbo rested his head on his arms, absentmindedly moving his head around slowly as he waited for the popcorn and his beloved friend. When he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, Tubbo turned to see Tommy with a bowl full of popcorn, the blonde jerked his head in a motion to say 'follow me' before slowly walking up the steps. Tubbo followed behind him happily, surprised as they made their way to the theater room, he was never previously allowed in there, so this must be something special. Tommy set the popcorn bowl down and walked over to Tubbo, who still stood in the doorway, and gently grabbed his hands, guiding him over to a very comfortable beanbag chair. 'Is it ok if I sit with you? I think it can fit both of us.' Tommy signed, smiling. Tubbo nodded before signing back; 'Yeah! Just don't squish me!' He then laughed softly, causing Tommy to laugh too, or at least that's what he thinks when he sees Tommy's shoulders bouncing up and down as he smiles. Tubbo sat in the beanbag chair first, scooting over a little so Tommy could sit as well, the blonde happily sat down before snuggling into his friend's side. Tubbo giggled as he felt Tommy wrap an arm around his shoulders gently, using his hand to play with Tubbo's hair. The blonde picked up a remote and hit a few buttons before relaxing against his friend once more and smiling as the lights in the room dimmed and words appeared on the screen: Balto II Wolf Quest
Tubbo smiled happily, it was one of his favorite movies, and Tommy had set all this nice stuff up for him as well! The brunette smiled as the movie played, subtitles appearing on the screen whenever there was dialogue or certain sounds, he hummed quietly and wrapped his arm around Tommy, who snuggled close to him. The boys shared the bowl of popcorn, lazily putting it on the ground near Tommy's coke when they finished. Halfway through the movie, Tommy had fallen asleep, his head resting on Tubbo's shoulder and his arm draped across said ram's shoulders. Tubbo looked at his friend fondly, giggling softly when Tommy's facial expression changed ever so slightly as he slept, letting Tubbo know he was dreaming. Tubbo rested his head on Tommy's gently before going back to watching the movie happily, his free arm gently massaging his scalp around where his horns grew... the pain was getting worse, but he knew they were just growing pains, so he tried his best to ignore them.

After the movie ended, Tubbo quietly moved Tommy so he was laying half on top of him so that Tubbo himself could fall asleep. Tubbo happily snuggled close to Tommy before closing his eyes and drifting off, his dreams were filled with sounds and sights he could only now imagine...

The ram horned boy ended up waking up first due to the pain in his head, he began to massage around the base of his horns once more, sighing softly in frustration. The boy must have made a noise because Tommy's eyes fluttered open and he sat up slightly, looking concerned as he signed; 'Are you ok?' Tubbo shook his head slightly, removing his hand from his head 'growing pains.' Tommy just nodded at that before laying back down on Tubbo, hugging him with one arm, his other arm extended up to massage the base of his friend's horns to help him out. Tubbo smiled and leaned into the touch, it took the pain away for the time being, which made him feel better. The duo stayed like that until they both fell asleep again, enjoying each other's company.


Again, this is all PLATONIC. Just a reminder (:
Idea given to me by: Anime_dragon_4_life

I had fun writing this, it was a bit out of my comfort zone, but it was still fun! If you guys have other ideas, hit me up! Again, I'm sorry if I don't choose yours, I'll only be choosing ones I think I could write.

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