Just Like Old Times

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Warnings: mentions of death, ghosts, mentions of past events

☆ this one is focusing on Tubbo and Schlatt! Aha DadSchlatt (:< anyways, if Schlatt makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip. Putting a warning (a TW) about him is dehumanizing and I refuse to do it ☆


Tubbo was walking around the crater that had once been L'Manburg, he felt strange, this area seemed important, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The boy continued to walk, looking around for anyone, especially Tommy, but no one was there. Tubbo sighed and looked around the crater more, spotting something that shocked him, a tree. A small tree was growing in the middle of the crater, its roots busting through the stone and snaking around the base of it. Tubbo began to make his way down to the tree, but instead of falling down like normal, he... floated. Tubbo was mildly confused as he finally reached the bottom, so he went over to a small puddle to see what was up, did he have slow falling and not know it? The boy's eyes widened as he saw himself, he was pale, very pale, his clothes were pale as well, he could see the trees around him through his head. He was a ghost. After a few more minutes of staring, Tubbo went back and sat under the tree, staring at his hands, he stayed like that until he felt someone sit beside him. He looked up, spotting a familiar ram horned man adorned in a soft blue sweater and black jeans. "H-hey kid," Schlatt spoke, anxiety evident in his tone. Tubbo just stared at him, giving a small wave, still shocked at the fact he's a ghost now. Schlatt gives a lopsided smile, "You new to bein' a ghost? Pretty neat, huh?" Tubbo frowned slightly and looked away, still not speaking. "Not very talkative today, eh? I get how ya feel, figurin' out yer a ghost 'n all." Tubbo frowned and wiped away a few stray tears that slipped down his cheeks. Schlatt looked surprised, "Hey kid, there-there's no need ta cry! Bein' a ghost is pretty fun!" Schlatt said quickly, not exactly sure how to comfort the boy. Tubbo began to cry harder, so Schlatt awkwardly gave him a side hug, which Tubbo turned into a full hug. "I'm s-s-sorr-y." Tubbo cried into Schlatt's chest, hugging him tightly. "Hey now, it's alright, you're fine... I'm here." Schlatt tried to comfort the boy, stroking his hair gently and continuing to hug him close. Tubbo eventually stopped crying, but still hugged Schlatt tight, enjoying the embrace. "I- uh- I needa tell ya something Tubbo," Schlatt said, looking down at Tubbo, who was now looking up at him. "I- er- uh-" Schlatt cleared his throat quickly, "I'm uh- I'm yer dad." The man looked away from the boy after he blurted it out, unsure of how the boy would react. Tubbo just smiled, "I know. It's one of the few things I remember..." he buried his face back into Schlatt's chest, hugging him tightly once more. "Plus, why else would I have these tiny horns..?" The boy gestured to the small horns peeking through his hair, "Y-yer not mad at me...?" The older ram asked, looking down at the kid. Tubbo shook his head, not saying anything. Schlatt smiled slightly and hugged Tubbo tight, making sure not to hurt him. "Hey dad...?" Tubbo murmurs, looking up at the man once more, "Was I- uh, Was I a good kid...?" He paused momentarily, "I mean- when you took care of me." Schlatt nodded, "You were a very good kid, always excited ta explore new things 'n learn. You always listened too, you were perfect." Tubbo laughs, "I doubt I was perfect, nobody is!" "Well, you were." The two then sat under the tree for the remainder of the day, catching up and enjoying each other's company.

It had been two days since Tubbo had spent time with Schlatt, he hadn't found Tommy yet either, so he decided to look for his dad. Tubbo found Schlatt talking to Ghostbur, who had friend beside him. "Wilbur!" Tubbo exclaimed, rushing over to the two. "Hey Tubbo! Long time no see!" Ghostbur said cheerfully, going over and hugging Tubbo, who he could now hug since he was a ghost. Tubbo hugged him back happily, "I missed your hugs..." he said quietly, making Ghostbur laugh, "I missed yours too!" Tubbo could tell the older ghost was lying, he didn't really remember Tubbo that much, but the boy didn't mind. When the hug ended, Tubbo turned to Schlatt, "Hey, uh, dad? I don't necessarily want to drag you away from your conversation with Wil, but I was wondering if you would maybe like to help me get some bees again... I'm not sure what happened to the others..." Schlatt was surprised Tubbo had taken so quickly to calling him dad, but he didn't mind. After he got over the small shock, he looked to Ghostbur, who nodded subtly, "Yeah, sure thing kid, just gimme a moment to say goodbye to Wil." Tubbo nodded and waited patiently as Ghostbur hugged Schlatt and whispered something in his ear, making him laugh and whisper something back before backing out of the hug and leaving Ghostbur with a slight blush (no, not Schlattbur, hush.). Schlatt then went over to Tubbo, who grabbed his hand on lead him towards the woods, where they would begin their next adventure.


Aight, so, by the time you're seeing this, I wrote this a few days ago, maybe even a week ago, not sure when I'll publish it. You'll most likely be getting a double upload since I'm motivated to write at the moment. Anyways, if you didn't read the stuff in parentheses, that moment was NOT Schlattbur, just Schlatt messing with Wilbur. And yeah, part two is about to be written (it will probably be out by the time you finish this).

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