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Warning: mentions of past events, etc?


"Why don't we just leave it all behind? Start over?" Tubbo asked, looking Tommy in the eyes. Tommy frowned, "But... what about Wilbur...? He's going insane... can't you see it?" Tubbo gripped Tommy's wrists firmly, "If we leave... You- We can forget about it all, we would no longer need to worry!" Tubbo's eyes held a pleading gaze. Tommy looked away momentarily, "Alright..." he said softly. Tubbo smiled, hugging his best friend tightly.

Later on, Tommy and Tubbo had grabbed their things and got on Tommy's cow, Henry. "We ready?" Tommy asked, watching as Tubbo nodded, smiling. Tommy then gently nudged Henry's sides, causing the cow to start to slowly saunter forward, on the road to a new life.


Tommy and Tubbo had been riding Henry for hours now, Tubbo had fallen asleep, his arms wrapped gently around Tommy's midsection. Tommy smiled as he noticed Tubbo's soft snores, he then looked around, the three were now in a dense oak forest, miles and miles away from Manburg and Pogtopia. Tommy did want to stop here, but he felt it wasn't far enough away.


It was nearing nightfall when the three made it to a birch forest, miles away from the oak one. Tommy had Henry stop and he carefully got off the cow, gently picking up Tubbo and laying him on a soft bed of grass beneath a tall birch. Tommy then tethered Henry to a fence post he put in the ground and then made a small shelter for the three of them to sleep. After that, Tommy lay Tubbo down in a pile of straw to the far left of the small shack and he lay on the right of Tubbo, next to Henry. The three of them slept peacefully through the night.

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