Everything is

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Warnings: same as the last 2


Tommy jerked awake, throwing a panicked fist towards Karl and striking him in the jaw before jumping up and away from the man who let out a sharp yelp and now held his jaw. The teen's eyes widened as he realized who was standing in front of him, "Oh my go- Karl I'm so sorry!!" He exclaimed, leaping towards the brunette but getting blocked off by Quackity who got to Karl first, Sapnap not far behind. The two held the now teary eyed Karl, bombarding him with questions and caressing his face gently. Tubbo looked to Tommy and gently grabbed his hand, "Hey, it's fine... I'm glad you're ok..."

When things calmed down a bit, everyone sat beneath the tree, facing one another, "Tommy, if you don't mind telling, why did you attack Sam? You injured him pretty badly." Quackity said, raising an eyebrow slightly. Tommy looked to his lap, his right hand trailing down the back of the calf who now lay beside him, "I- I-" he cut off for a moment, "He cornered me. I had no choice... he was- he-" "Tommy, stop. I know that's not the truth." Tubbo interrupted, his voice holding a mixture of anger and sorrow. "Sam told you to put your stuff away and you went ballistic. He didn't even fight back." Tommy huffed softly, "Well sorry. It's not my fault I had a PTSD attack from being asked to put my stuff somewhere. You have no idea what I went through after you exiled me. Dream had me put my stuff in a pit every time he visited, and after I did that, he blew it up. Everything I worked myself half to death for was gone in the blink of an eye. So I'm sorry for not being able to handle it when Sam told me to 'put my stuff in the chest'. I try my best, ok? I thought people were going to help me out by avoiding phrases like that, but I guess not." Tommy argued, standing up and storming off, done with the conversation. "That's not even-" Tubbo gave up on the argument, knowing well that Tommy would avoid the true reasoning behind his actions. Sapnap went to go after him, but Tubbo barred his way with a gentle arm, "Just let him go, he'll cool off and come back in time... he does this..." the boy then retracted his arm and put his head in his hands, sighing. After a few silent moments, Karl spoke, "What were you going to say when he left?" "I was going to say that that's not even what happened..." Tubbo said, dragging his hands down his face slowly. "What do you mean that's not even what happened? You're the one who said it did." Quackity inquired. "When he has moments like this he has a hard time remembering what happened, so I blatantly lied to him about what happened to see if he would remember or if he'd use the fake story I fed him. He blacked out again..." Tubbo paused, brushing the hair from his eyes, "Tommy has had... issues ever since he came back from being exiled... he has moments where he'll black out and do rash things and when he comes to... he doesn't even remember what he did or why. Like when he attacked Sam, they had gotten into an argument about me... Tommy wanted to share a room with me, yet Sam preferred us to have our own privacy so if we needed breaks from each other or something, we could... Plus, I don't even live there full time... Things escalated after that, the argument getting off topic and then Tommy got violent..." the boy's voice quieted as he spoke, his demeanor changing quickly. "Oh..." Quackity said softly. Karl moved closer to Tubbo and gently wrapped him in a hug, "We'll make things right, don't you worry. And when we do, we'll figure out a way to help Tommy." Tubbo smiled and hugged him back, Sapnap and Quackity joining the hug shortly after.

After a while, Tubbo went to go find Tommy, which was fairly easy since he was just sitting at the bottom of the hill they had been on. "Hey..." Tubbo said, sitting beside Tommy. The blonde huffed, giving Tubbo a slight glare, "What do you want?" "..." Tubbo was quiet for a few moments, trying to find the right words to say, "I'm sorry... I know you have your moments and they're hard to deal with. I should have approached this situation gently instead of bluntly like I did. Could we maybe, possibly, talk about this situation?" After hearing that, Tommy's expression morphed into one of thought, no longer one of anger and betrayal. "Maybe."

After a few hours of talking, the group was ready to head back, Tommy and Tubbo side by side as the other three linked arms as they walked. Once they made it back to Sam's, Tommy rushed to him and gently hugged him, apologizing profusely for his actions. "Sam, I'm so so so so so so so SO so sorry!!" Sam smiled slightly, ruffling the boy's hair, "It's ok, it's nothing a warden can't take." He joked, letting out a soft laugh and hugging Tommy. Tubbo smiled and sat beside Sam, hugging his arm, "I'm glad you're doing better." Sam returned with, "I'm glad you're ok. Both of you." After the reunion and makeup, the three fiances headed home, leaving Tommy, Tubbo, and Sam to talk.

"Well I'm glad we got that all settled... though I'm still worried for Tommy." Karl mused, resting his head on Quackity's shoulder as they sat on the couch. "Yeah..." Sapnap said before momentarily rubbing his eyes. "When should we talk to Tubbo...?" Quackity asked after a while of sitting in silence. "Oh... I forgot about that... we should let things cool down before we talk to him about it." Karl said, yawning. The other two nodded before they decided to go to bed since it was getting late in the day, all exhausted from their adventure.


Sorry this part sucks, I was going to end it earlier, but then I wanted to add more. And yeah.

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