The Wolf and The Ram

542 18 6

Warnings: depictions of horror, horror related themes, descriptions of blood, similar things


Tubbo had been awoken from his sleep by a loud crash from Tommy's room. The boy quietly got up and slowly made his way to Tommy's room, peeking inside, and freezing when he saw streaks of red on the floor. Tubbo slowly looked around the bloodstained room until his eyes landed on a lanky yet muscular silhouette. Its legs were bent backwards at an odd angle and its torso was thin, its arms were connected to its body with broad shoulders, which a canine like head sat atop. The silhouette moved almost gracefully in the light of the full moon, Tubbo couldn't make out what it was, but he knew he didn't want to be seen. The creature moved around Tommy's room a bit more before freezing and turning towards the door where Tubbo hid, only his eyes visible from where he stood in the hall. The creature crept over on two legs, dropping down to four when it reached the door, Tubbo could now see it was covered in dusty brown fur, a mess of lighter blonde fur sat atop its head, falling around its face and giving it an almost humanoid appearance. The creature brought one of its piercing blue eyes to where the door was cracked open, staring into the fear filled eyes of the boy on the other side. Someone else in the house shut a door, causing the creature to huff and turn, bursting out of the house through the window and leaving a shaken Tubbo behind.

The next day was uneventful, Wilbur was looking after Tubbo and everyone was worried about Tommy, who had gone missing. The young ram sighed before he headed to his room for the night, hoping nothing else happened. As he climbed into bed, he heard a light tapping on his window, so he went to investigate. Tubbo slowly opened the curtains to be met by Ranboo, one of his close friends, standing outside his window. The boy slid the window open, "Hey Ranboo! What d'you want?" "I was uh, just wondering if you would..." the tall boy paused, looking away nervously, "like to go for a night walk with me?" Tubbo smiled, "Of course! Lemme just put on a hoodie and I'll hop out the window!" The boy quickly slipped back into his room, throwing on a hoodie before letting his tall friend help him out the window. The pair then headed towards the woods quietly, taking the paths that Phil and Wilbur had fixed up years ago. Ranboo shyly slipped his hand into Tubbo's, guiding the shorter boy along the path, occasionally swinging their intertwined hands. The duo stopped when they reached a small clearing filled with gentle moonlight and a small pond. Tubbo smiled and lead Ranboo to the edge of the pond, where they sat down together. "Woah! Look at the glowing fish!" Tubbo exclaimed quietly, trying to not disturb the night's peace. Ranboo laughed softly, "They're very pretty!" He replied, his eyes widening slightly. The two continued to quietly talk until all the sounds around them fell silent and a large figure could be seen exiting the trees on the opposite side of the pond. Those same piercing blue eyes from the night before bored into Tubbo's own, making the boy cower closer to Ranboo. The figure stood upon two legs now, revealing it to be the creature from the night previous, it growled lowly, slowly stalking towards the two. When it was about five feet away, it lunged at the pair, knocking Ranboo and Tubbo apart. The beast snarled viciously, standing over Tubbo, glaring at Ranboo, who disappeared in a small cloud of purple particles, he had teleported in his panic. The canine like beast fell silent and returned its gaze to Tubbo, who now sat upright and was backed against a tree. It approached him slowly, stopping a few feet away before just staring him down and trotting off silently into the night. Soon enough, all of the sounds returned to the night and Tubbo was yet again, left alone.


Part 1! Sorry for the wait, life has been chaotic and I've had this idea for ages but I'm not sure how to go about it (story wise. I have the gist in mind, but not the filler parts). This is literally my comfort AU but turned into a story (:

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