Growing Pains

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Warnings: deafness, maybe fluff (platonic), description of pain (some people may be uncomfortable due to 'ghost pain' or whatever, keep yourself safe!)


It had been a few days since the duo had watched the movie together, Tubbo was now at home curled up in bed trying to ignore the severe pain coming from his head and legs. The half ram had been getting ever increasing growing pains since he left Tommy's house that day, his horns were getting longer, as well as his legs. Tubbo whined softly, rubbing the base of his horns once more to relieve the pain, but it didn't work, so he grabbed his phone and messaged another one of his friends, Ranboo.

Hey, could you possibly come over?
The pain is getting worse ):

Of course, man!
I'll be over in a bit!

Thanks (:

Tubbo laid back down and brought his phone with him, he had it on vibrate since he knew Ranboo would text him once he arrived since he couldn't ya know, hear the doorbell. The boy hissed in pain when he bumped one of his horns on the wall, scratching the paint and causing him to move quickly away from the wall and nearly tumble off his bed. He sighed and sat up, legs dangling over his bed, before he began to rub them, trying to get rid of the pain caused by his growth spurt. Tubbo was about to go back to massaging his head when he felt his phone vibrate, he unlocked it and checked his messages;

I'm here!

Tubbo smiled and hopped off his bed, carefully making his way out of his room and to the front door, which he opened slowly, revealing his tall friend. Tubbo waved lazily, not wanting to move too much, Ranboo returned the wave with a smile before Tubbo stepped aside and let him into the house. 'You don't look too good.' Ranboo signed after they sat on the couch together, Tubbo looked at him tiredly, 'Of course I don't... I'm in severe pain.' He signed rather bluntly. Ranboo smiled and gave Tubbo a side hug, the ram leaned into his touch, tail wagging vigorously as he sat there. Ranboo gently reached a hand up and rubbed the base of Tubbo's horns, relieving his friend of some pain. Tubbo smiled before signing; 'Thank you, I'm feeling better already!' The boy let out a soft laugh after that, relaxing even more when he felt Ranboo laugh as well. The two sat there for a few hours, watching TV or casually signing small things to each other. Tubbo enjoyed the time he spent with Ranboo, it was calming, well, that was until he felt Ranboo stiffen. Tubbo looked up at him to see him looking towards the door, Tubbo followed his gaze to see his father, Schlatt, standing at the front door, Tubbo's other friend, Tommy, standing outside. Tubbo always hated it when Ranboo and Tommy both hung out with him, they always fought, and of course Tubbo couldn't stop it since he didn't really talk and they wouldn't listen to him anyways. Tubbo watched as the blonde pushed past his father and made his way over to the two on the couch, Ranboo acted as if he had just been caught cheating on his significant  other, he quickly scooted away from Tubbo, trying to avoid conflict. Tommy smiled and waved before handing Tubbo his whiteboard and marker, he then signed, 'You forgot these at my place! Thought I'd bring them to you, sorry for just barging in without warning...' At that, Tubbo smiled, before replying 'Why thank you, Tommy! If you and Ranboo can get along, would you like to join us?' Tommy shook his head gently, 'I have to head back home, I was only allowed to bring you your whiteboard and marker, we have guests tonight.' Tubbo nodded before waving goodbye to his friend. When Tommy left, Tubbo looked over at Ranboo, who seemed nervous, 'Are you ok?' Tubbo asked, his face showing his concern. Ranboo nodded, going back to his original place beside Tubbo and rubbing the base of his horns again. They continued to do that for a few hours until Tubbo yawned, 'I'm tired, I think I'm going to go lay down. If you want, you could come with.' Tubbo winked, showing he was joking before laughing at Ranboo, who had panicked. 'I'm just kidding! But if you want to spend the night you can. Dad wouldn't mind!' Ranboo nodded before standing up and stretching. Tubbo then headed to his room, Ranboo following him quietly, when the two made it to Tubbo's room, Tubbo laid down on his bed, stretching his legs out, trying not to whine in pain. Ranboo noticed that and sat on the bed beside him, 'Do you want me to rub your legs?' He half joked, laughing when Tubbo nodded. For some reason, Tubbo's growing pains were amplified since he was half ram, and the only way to really deal with them is to either suffer with them, or to rub them out. Ranboo began to gently rub Tubbo's legs, stopping whenever he let out a yelp or when he pulled his leg away, which made the whole thing take a lot longer, but neither of the two minded, it was basically normal for them. When Ranboo finished, he slid onto the floor and laid down on a pile of blankets Tubbo had laid out for his friends, but Tubbo tapped his shoulder, stopping him, 'if you want, you can take the bed this time! It's a lot more comfy then the floor, and I wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor this time.' Ranboo gently shook his head, 'I'm good.' The two then laid down in their respective spots and slowly drifted off.

In the morning, Tubbo woke up first, his head aching badly, along with his legs, which had grown a bit longer in his sleep. The boy slowly and quietly stood up, stretching and heading out of the room, hoping he was silent as he stepped around Ranboo and went to the kitchen. Tubbo smiled as he made himself a bowl of Cookie Crisp before sitting down and eating, his tail wagging quickly. He felt a slight rough tap on his shoulder after he finished a mouthful of the delicious cereal, so he turned to see his dad, who waved slightly, smiling. 'How are your growing pains? Worse? Better?' He signed, his expression kind. Tubbo smiled, 'they're getting better. I grew almost another inch last night, but my legs don't hurt as much! It's really my horns that are bothering me.' Schlatt nodded, putting a hand on his son's shoulder as to not bump his horns, 'Love ya, kid.' Tubbo smiled and stood up, almost coming close to Schlatt's height and hugging him gently, "L-Love you too, dad."

Ranboo went home later in the day, leaving Tubbo alone once more since his dad worked, so he decided to text Tommy throughout the day and watch TV, it was a very relaxing day for the boy. It was nice.


Awooga, continuation of the last one! I had fun writing this :D
Sorry for the abrupt end, I just didn't want to drag it out too much!

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