Destined part 3

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Warning: mentions of past events, wound description, blood, etc??


Tommy walked up to the door of Skeppy and BadBoyHalo's house and reluctantly knocked on the door, "BadBoyHalo?! Are you there?!" He yelled quite obnoxiously. No reply. Tommy knocked again, this time louder, "We need your help!" He could then hear footsteps from inside the house and the door opened shortly after, revealing Bad. "What do you want, Tommy?" He asked, eyes narrowing. "Well, Techno blew up Manburg, we can't find Wilbur, and tons of people ar-" Bad cut him off, "Techno blew up Manburg?! Oh my goodness! I'll go get my med kit!!" He then disappeared into the house, coming back moments later with a large medical bag. "Let's go!" The two then rushed back to what used to be the podiums, Bad rushing over to anyone and everyone who was injured, while Tommy went over to Tubbo, who was sitting with Niki. "It's alright Tubbo... at least you tried." She was saying when Tommy got there. "Have- have you found Wil yet?" He asked, looking at Tubbo, who shook his head. "He's gotta be around here somewhere!!" Tommy exclaimed, his brow furrowing. "I'm gonna go look for him around Manburg. I know it's highly unlikely he'll be there, but still." Tommy then jogged off towards the outer edges of Manburg. Tubbo still sat with Niki, a frown on his face. "I'm sorry..." he said softly, looking over at Niki, who just hugged him, "You did your best Tubbo, we didn't know this would happen."

After a few more hours, Tommy stumbled across a small trail of blood leading into the forest, "Blood...? That can't be good..." he mumbled, beginning to follow the trail. The trail of blood lead him through the woods, twisting and turning until it lead up to a figure slumped against the trunk of a tree. Tommy's eyes widened as he saw who it was. "Wil...?" He asked quietly as he approached his friend's slumped form. No reply. As Tommy approached he saw Wilbur's chest rising and falling with shaky breaths that were barely there, he was out cold. "Fuck..." Tommy mumbled, his eyes widened fearfully. He leaned down and picked up his friend the best he could and began to gently drag him back to L'Manburg.

When Tommy eventually returned, he was exhausted, so before he collapsed with Wil, he cried out, "Bad?! Tubbo!? Someone!!" When Tubbo saw Tommy collapse, he raced over to find his two friends, "Oh my gosh, Niki, get over here! Bring Bad!!" Wilbur was bleeding from multiple wounds, whereas Tommy was just exhausted from dragging Wil's body all that way. Soon enough, Niki and Bad arrived, Bad doing everything he could to bandage Wilbur up, and Niki hugging Tubbo reassuringly.

Hours later, Tommy woke up, his head was throbbing and his muscles ached. He looked around, not recognizing where he was, "Where... am I?" He mumbled groggily. "Tommy! You're awake!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Tommy turned his head to see Tubbo, "Tubbo! Oh my gosh, wait, how's Wilbur?!" Tommy asked, hugging his friend. "Well, after you collapsed, I got Bad over to help Wilbur, who was pretty badly hurt from the explosion. Karl and Jack built this lil hospital thing quickly for everyone who was injured, or in your case, out cold." Tommy nodded slightly, "Can- can I go and see Wilbur...?" Tubbo frowned, "No, we can't go and see him for a while, he needs to rest..." Tommy sighed and nodded, gently nudging Tubbo out of the way with his hand so he could get up. The two then walked out of the hospital building and to what was left of the ledge by Tommy's house. Surprisingly, the bench was still there, so the two sat down, watching the sunset. Tommy leaned his head on Tubbo's shoulder, closing his eyes, "Thanks for being my friend, Tubbo..." he said, smiling. Tubbo smiled wide, linking arms with Tommy, "Thanks for being my friend!" The two then sat there as the sun set, enjoying the other's company.


Sorry for not updating this in a while. I kind of forgot about this lmao. Anyways, please ignore spelling mistakes and how awful this part is, I write these when I first get up in the morning lmao

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