I Found You (I'll Find You part 2)

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Warning: injury, blood, death, angst, etc


It was two days since Tommy had gone missing, Tubbo hadn't heard about it yet. He was doing normal things around Manburg when he overheard Schlatt and Quackity speaking, "Tommy's been missing for two days now! I wonder how those idiots are dealing with it!" Schlatt said, laughing. Quackity nodded, "They're probably c-crying about it!" He let out a weird cackle, a smile plastered across his face. "Tommy's missing...?" Tubbo asked, walking over to Schlatt, who turned to him, anger burning in his eyes. "Were you eavesdropping, Tubbo?" Schlatt asked. Tubbo gulped, "Sorry, sir, I- I didn't mean-" He was cut off by a hard punch from Schlatt, "Never eavesdrop again, you hear me?!" Tubbo nodded, a frown on his face.

After that, Tubbo had left Manburg for a walk, he needed to clear his head. He continued to walk and walk and walk... until he came across a clearing covered in blood. He followed the blood trail to a tree, and under that tree lay a limp figure. Tommy.

Tubbo raced forward, "Tommy!? Tommy!!" He wrapped his arms around his friend and sat him up, but froze when he saw the dull look in his best friend's eyes. "T-Tommy...?" Tubbo asked quietly, tears welling up in his eyes. No response... Tubbo hugged his friend's body close, crying his little heart out... it hurt...

After a while of crying, Tubbo found the note Tommy had written, reading over it carefully.

"He's my best friend and I could never have wished for a better one..." Tubbo read aloud, fresh tears trailing down his red cheeks. "Oh Tommy... I-I'm so sorry..." Tubbo sobbed, hugging his friend again.

After a long while, Tubbo got up, his suit now bloodstained and dirtied, but he didn't care. He sat Tommy up against the tree again and headed towards Pogtopia to tell Wilbur his best friend was dead.

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