semi important

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Ok, so there's something I would like to address (for kind of a second time??)

These stories are all meant to be PLATONIC! None of them are meant to be romantic in any way, shape, or form. If you ship Tommy and Tubbo or any other minors, stop reading this and kindly get away from me. I do not wish to be associated with people like that. It is morally wrong and semi illegal to ship minors, please do not do that. Sorry if this is upsetting to anyone, but I had to get it out there that I do NOT support the shipping of minors, it's downright disgusting.

DNI if you ship minors.

Also, on another, lighter, note:

You guys can 100% draw fanart for these oneshots or any of my books, but I would like to see it and get credited for the story! I just think it would be cool to see your amazing artwork (:

Have a great day/night everyone, and uploads should continue soon!

Also, enjoy some Sam Nook angst art I drew today 😔

Tommyinnit + Tubbo oneshots (NO SHIPPING!)Where stories live. Discover now