Yep, Just Like Old Times.

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Warning: mentions of death, ghosts, mini panic attack, mentions of past events

☆ again, DadSchlatt ☆


Tubbo dragged Schlatt over towards the edge of the tree line, where he excitedly grabbed a few flowers, passing some to Schlatt, who took them happily, glad to spend time with his son. Tubbo was walking around, looking for bees, when he found a little horse laying in the tall grass, its brown and white pelt helping it to blend in with the surrounding grass. Tubbo gasped, "Hey there, little guy!" He exclaimed, gushing over the small creature, who just looked up at him curiously. After hearing Tubbo, Schlatt wandered over and saw the baby horse as well, "Well looky here," he muttered, giving Tubbo a quick sideways glance. The boy's face was lit up as he examined the horse, his delicate features pulled upright into an expression of pure happiness. Tubbo picked up the baby horse (with a lot of trouble, it's a bit heavy), and began to carry it back to the place he was currently staying, a small little shelter big enough to keep him covered and give him somewhere to sleep, craft, and cook things if needed. Schlatt followed to help Tubbo with anything he needed, which was mainly just necessities for the little horse, like golden carrots, hay, and water. "Dad, could you help me finish building this little stable? I'm a bit too... short..." Tubbo admitted, trying to hold up a piece of wood. Schlatt came over and put everything in place easily, smiling down at Tubbo who looked a bit frustrated, but thankful nonetheless. The pair continued work on the stable, finishing it up in no time and introducing it to the little horse, who seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. Tubbo smiled and fed it a few golden carrots, aging it up a bit so it could survive on hay and water, he didn't want it to suffer. The boy entered the stable and sat beside the little horse, petting it and loving on it while his father looked on, happy that his son was happy. "Dad! Could you get me a lead or two please?" Tubbo asked, his eyes locked onto a bee that was buzzing around a flower he placed in the stable. Schlatt nodded and dashed into Tubbo's house, digging through his chests and grabbing three leads, when he returned, he handed them to Tubbo, who quickly leashed the bee. "Yay! I got a horse and a bee!!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly. After a while, Tubbo tied the bee up in the stable with the horse before sitting at the edge of L'crater with his dad. "Hey dad...?" Tubbo asked quietly, "Hey what?" Schlatt replied, smiling down at his boy. "Why are we here...? Like, why are we ghosts? Couldn't we have just gone to the afterlife?" Schlatt frowned, "Well, uh... I'm not quite sure. If I had the answer, I would tell ya, but I guess we're here for unfinished business, ya know?" Tubbo nodded, resting his head on his dad's shoulder, "I love you dad..." "I love you too son." Schlatt wrapped an arm around the boy beside him, enjoying the sweet moment they shared.

That night, Tubbo stayed with the horse and bee all night while Schlatt went to find Ghostbur again. The boy no longer needed sleep, but chose to sleep anyways, it made him feel just a little bit better. In the morning, the boy awoke and quietly left the stalls so he didn't bother the horse or bee, who were both either resting or sleeping. Tubbo wandered around L'crater again, trying to put a finger on what was off about it, what had happened there, why did it feel so important to remember it? The boy sat at the edge of the massive hole and stared into it, thinking back to how he died. He didn't even remember. Wait, he did remember.

Tubbo watched in horror as TNT rained from the sky, landing all over the place he called home, turning it into a massive hole and killing many. The boy panicked as he saw at least three withers flying about and destroying things, he turned to his best friend, Tommy, who was severely wounded from an encounter with Techno moments before the withers appeared. Tommy groaned as he watched his home destroyed, he leaned on Tubbo so he wouldn't fall, crying softly. Tubbo scowled as everything happened, they were running about, dodging TNT, dodging attacks from the multiple withers, and trying not to fall to their deaths. The last thing Tubbo remembers is Techno advancing on Tommy, sword drawn, and words laced with malice and ill intent spilling from his mouth. The boy jumped in front of his friend just as Dream came out of nowhere, sword aiming for Tommy's heart, but Tubbo got in the way, getting impaled instead of his best friend. Tubbo gasped, blood pouring from his mouth as he began to cough it up, Tommy looked horrified, Dream looked guilty before running off, and Techno was frozen in place. Tubbo looked at Tommy and smiled sadly before collapsing, causing the sword to embed itself deeper into his chest cavity. The boy bled out in his best friend's arms, smiling the whole time, he had saved his friend and that was enough for him to smile.

Tubbo had his head in his hands, shaking violently as the memories came back, tormenting him and mocking him. The boy was sobbing loudly, unaware of the person coming towards him. Tubbo felt a pair of arms wrap around him and he clung to the person like a lifeline, his delicate features scrunched up into an ugly frown as tears streamed down his face. The person who held him whispered in his ear, telling him everything was ok and he wasn't alone, they were comforting as best they could. Tubbo just continued to sob, burying his face in their chest, crying his little heart out as those awful memories continued to torment him. "Shh, you're ok, I'm here now and no one can hurt you." They whispered comfortingly, rubbing Tubbo's back gently. Tubbo's sobbing died down slowly, but he kept his face buried in the person's chest, enjoying the physical contact and the comfort. The two sat there like that for another ten or so minutes, Tubbo eventually pulling away to see...


Lmao cliffhanger. Anyways, you won't have to wait long because part 3 will probably be up by the time you're reading this! I've been working in these when I feel up to it. Even more has happened since Monday, so it's been tough, but writing is a sort of escape for me.

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