I missed you...

552 14 1

Warnings: angst


Tubbo trotted in the direction of Manburg, his every step bringing him closer to the place he was afraid to see, the podium he was afraid to spot and have a breakdown, the man he was afraid to confront. The boy's ears twitched as his hooves clicked against the wooden pathways and his tail twitched nervously as he continued on, his gaze set forward and posture determined. The young ram reached the building he dreaded to enter, but he tentatively reached a semi hoofed hand forward and opened the door before entering and heading towards another door further down from where he entered. Tubbo sucked in a breath before knocking on the door a few times and waiting for a reply. After receiving no reply for a few moments, the boy knocked again, this time a little louder. Still no reply. Tubbo huffed and opened the door, revealing a darkened room that reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. "Sch-Schlatt...?" The boy called out nervously, his eyes darting to every corner of the room. "Tubbo, my b-," the voice started, getting interrupted by a hiccup, "my boy." Tubbo stiffened as he spotted a figure sitting slouched in a chair. A bright light suddenly blinded the boy, causing him to cover his eyes until they adjusted to the light now pouring into the room from a window. "Why are you -hic- here?" Schlatt asked, his voice slurring. Tubbo frowned, taking a deep breath, "I-I'm here because..." he trailed off, trying to find the words, "I'm here because you embarrassed me in front of everyone. You had me killed at my own festival that I planned! The festival that was meant to celebrate this country's success and how close we were..." his voice cracked as he talked, his facade of bravery and confidence breaking as tears welled in his eyes. Schlatt was silent, a beer bottle gripped in his left hand as he stared at Tubbo, seemingly deep in thought. The boy sighed and stormed over to his father and president, snatching the bottle from his hand and putting it on the desk out of his reach. That caused the drunken man to stand up, swaying on his feet as he did so, slurring angrily, "You little-" he grumbled something before straightening up slightly and looking Tubbo in the eyes. "I did what I felt was -hic- r-right. Traitors are not to be toler-tolerated." Tubbo stood to his full height, almost nose to nose with Schlatt. "Family is supposed to stick together, right dad?" The boy snarled, bringing his face close to his father's so he could glare directly into his eyes. "Family? Hah! Those fools aren't -hic- your family! I'm the only family you have left." At that, Tubbo scowled, "They're more of a family then you ever were and probably ever will be." Tears began to slide down Tubbo's cheeks as he spoke, falling faster when he saw the heartbreak in Schlatt's eyes. The drunkard quickly wrapped his arms around Tubbo, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry, my little bee..." the older said through the tears freshly rolling down his face. "I missed you, daddy." Tubbo whispered, reverting back to a child like mindset in the vulnerable moment he shared with his father. The two rams hugged eachother tightly, not wanting to let go and lose the other to the harsh abyss called life. "I promise to never leave you a-ag-again." Schlatt whispered, holding Tubbo closer. Tubbo smiled as he cried, leaving a damp spot on his father's suit, but neither of them minded it. "I love you, dad." "I love you too, my little bee."

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