Everything seems ok

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Warnings: slight angst?, platonic fluff,


"Karl?" Quackity called out softly, ducking his head into the room he had last seen his fiance in. Quackity was about to call his name again, but paused when he saw Karl cuddled up on the couch with Tommy and Tubbo on either side of him, all three of them asleep. The darker haired male's expression softened as he gazed upon the scene, but he left moments later so he could let Sapnap know that Karl and the boys wouldn't be ready for dinner yet. Sam had entrusted Tommy to the three fiances for the day, and Tubbo ended up tagging along, the two teens were inseparable, so it was understandable, and the three men didn't mind. Sapnap was stirring the pot with macaroni in it when Quackity entered the kitchen, quietly taking a seat before speaking, "Karl and the boys are asleep on the couch, so they won't be joining us for dinner any time soon." Hearing that, Sapnap smiled, "I'm glad they're getting along, but Sam should be here within the next hour to pick up Tommy. Tubbo might just spend the night unless he goes with Sam or..." the taller male trailed off, not wanting to talk about Tubbo's father, Schlatt, who went MIA years ago, before Tubbo could take care of himself. When Tubbo was really young, Puffy and Nihachu mainly took care of him, but as he aged, everyone else helped out more and more, the boy ended up sticking to Tommy's side, so he mainly stayed with him and Sam. "Yeah..." Quackity said quietly, his eyes falling to his hands. "Anyways, dinner smells good." He added, looking up at Sapnap, who was cutting up an onion for the salad. "Thanks! We're having macaroni with hamburger in it, a small salad, and heath cake for dessert." Quackity smiled, "That sounds amazing." The two talked for a while until dinner was ready and they sat down to eat, it was unusually quiet without Karl, but they let him sleep.

After the duo finished eating, they began another conversation, this time a bit more lighthearted and joyful. In the other room, Tommy had shifted, his arms wrapped around Karl's and his head on the older's shoulder. Karl was positioned so that Tommy could hold his arm and so that he could hold Tubbo close to him, the smallest of the three partially cuddled up in Karl's lap. It was peaceful and a nice break from the normal chaos and mischief caused by the two boys. Sam arrived soon, begrudgingly waking Tommy and Tubbo to take them home (or let them choose what they want to do). Tubbo ended up staying the night and Tommy headed home, practically glued to Sam's side like a moth to a light, the blonde grasping the taller's hand in his without saying anything. Tubbo smiled sleepily and hugged Karl gently, "Thank you for letting me stay..." Karl smiled, ruffling the boy's hair, "You're welcome to stay any time, little guy." Tubbo laughed and smiled sweetly before yawning. "I think Quack and Sap already ate dinner, so we should too before bed, alright Tubs?" Tubbo nodded and followed Karl to the kitchen where the two then ate their dinner in comfortable silence.

The next day, Tubbo ended up going to Sam's house to spend time with him and Tommy, leaving Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap alone together once more. "Tubbo's such a sweet boy," Karl said softly, smiling as he talked. "He really is," Quackity said, running a hand through Karl's hair. Sapnap nodded, "I enjoy his company." After a few moments of silence, Karl spoke up, "Hey, he has no parents, right?" Sapnap glanced at him sideways, "Yeah?" "What're you getting at?" Quackity said after a few more moments of silence. "What if we adopted him? He seems to like it here and he can go see Tommy whenever he wants! And we could have the kid we've been thinking about!" Karl explained happily. "I like that idea." Sapnap said, followed by Quackity agreeing as well. "We'll talk to him about it tomorrow then!" Karl then wrapped his arms around his fiances and hugged them both gently. "I love you guys." They all erupted into a small giggling fit before Sapnap and Quackity exclaimed in unison, "I love you too!"

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