Everything's fine

442 19 3

Warnings: angst?, fluff, fighting, crying, similar things


Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity were cuddled up on the couch, their legs intertwined and their heads close together as they watched whatever was on the television. Karl lovingly trailed his fingers through Quackity's hair, playing with it gently and making said male blush softly. Sapnap opened his mouth to say something when the front door burst open and a red faced, teary eyed Tubbo looks around frantically before his gaze lands on them and he races over. "K-Kar-" he stutters, trying to get a breath, which was hard due to his erratic breathing from his run and crying. "Woah! Tubs, slow down!" Karl jumped up, kneeling in front of the boy who collapsed to his knees. "Hun, take deep breaths and tell me what happened. Breathe in and out with me, one... two... three... one..." Karl started a breathing excercise with Tubbo to calm him down before asking again, "What happened?" Tubbo hiccupped a few times before speaking, "T-Tommy and Sam had a f-fight, it got bad a-a-and Tommy pulled a sword on Sam-" Tubbo took a few deep breaths, "Sam defended himself without hurting Tommy, b-b-b-but he got hurt pretty b-bad- Sam is h-hurt! A-and then, Tommy r-ran..." the boy trailed off, "TOMMY RAN!!" He exclaimed, fresh tears falling down his cheeks like raindrops on a window. Karl wrapped Tubbo in a hug, "It'll be ok, Tubs. We'll help you find Tommy, but can you take us to Sam so we can help him?" Tubbo pulled away from the hug, nodding and sniffing a few times before wiping his face with his coat sleeve and standing. The boy then lead the way to where Sam was, the three men in tow.

When they reached Sam's house, there was a trail of blood leading from the front yard to the back, Tubbo followed it before softly calling out, "Sam?!" A quiet reply could be heard, so Tubbo picked up speed. When they reached Sam, he was on the ground leaning against a wall, his right arm wrapped around his torso and his left eye had a bloody gash going straight through it. "Oh my- Sam are you ok?!" Karl exclaimed, dropping to his knees beside the warden and ripping off one of his sleeves to bandage Sam's eye for now. "The kid put up quite the fight, and I couldn't fight back... didn't want to hurt him..." Karl frowned before looking over to Quackity, who was hugging Tubbo tight, so he turned to Sapnap, "Sap, could you please go find a med kit?" The taller nodded, dashing off into the house. "How bad is it?" Karl asked, referring to Sam's midsection, which he still held. The warden grunted, pulling his arm away and revealing a giant gash, Karl gasped and quickly pulled out a healing potion he managed to scrounge from his inventory. The fluffy haired boy lifted the small bottle to the taller's lips, tilting it back so he could drink the contents. Sam quickly drank the potion before sighing and relaxing against the wall once more. Sapnap returned with the med kit a few seconds later, so Karl gently removed Sam's armor so he could clean and bandage the gash in his side. Once that was done, Karl gently cleaned the wound on Sam's eye before carefully wrapping bandages around it and then turning to Sapnap, "Could you help me bring him to the couch?" Sapnap nodded before leaning down and helping Karl get Sam to his feet. The warden leaned heavily on Sapnap's shoulder as they walked, which the warrior didn't mind at all since he was more physically able to carry the weight than Karl. Quackity, who was holding Tubbo's hand, followed the trio to the living room where Sapnap and Karl helped ease Sam onto the couch. Tubbo clinged to Quackity once more, hugging him tightly, Quackity returned the tight hug, allowing the younger to bury his head in his neck. "Sam, will you be alright here on your own while we go and look for Tommy?" Karl asked. "Yeah, I should..." the taller replied quietly. Karl nodded before turning to Quackity, Tubbo, and Sapnap, "Are we ready?" Everyone nodded, so Karl looked to Tubbo, "Which way did Tommy head?" Tubbo's face slowly morphed into an expression showing he was thinking, it took a few moments before he piped up, "That way." He gestured towards the woods at the edge of the large yard with his hand. Karl took Tubbo's hand in his own and began to walk, he didn't want anything to happen to the boy and he wanted him to feel safe. Sapnap and Quackity walked behind the two, splitting off into slightly different directions as they hit the treeline, searching for any sign of where Tommy went. "I found a drop of blood and a few broken twigs here," Quackity said, pointing at the spot of blood on the shrubs. The group headed that way, finding more and different signs of the boy who fled, the trail eventually lead them to a big pasture surrounded by a fence, a lone tree sitting on top of a hill with a figure sitting under it. "Alright guys, don't just run up to him, we need to approach this carefully so no one gets hurt. Plus, we don't know if there are cows or other livestock here, we don't want to hurt them or get hurt by them and we don't want to upset the owner." Sapnap said as they stepped over the fence and began to make their way up towards the tree. The figure at the foot of the tree didn't move as they gained ground slowly, it just sat there, unmoving. When the group made it to the tree, they found Tommy asleep with a small calf, his bandana he got from Sam wrapped around a cut on his shoulder and his shirt dirtied. Karl kneeled down next to Tommy and gently woke him, "Toms, we're here to take you home."

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