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Warning: angst, mentions of past events, death, etc?


"Tommy!" Tubbo cried out, racing over to his friend. "Tubbo!" Tommy screamed, racing forward and tackling his friend in a tight hug. "I missed you so much!!!" Tommy exclaimed, a tear slipping down his cheek. "T-Tommy-? I can't b-breathe-" Tubbo choked out, causing Tommy to loosen his grip. "Sorry!!" Tubbo just smiled in response, linking arms with Tommy. "I've missed you... a little too much." Tubbo laughed, smiling brightly. Tommy hummed softly, his eyes closing momentarily. The two relished in each other's company while they could, enjoying the other's presence.


The next day, the two had returned to their respective locations, Tubbo went back to Manburg and Tommy went back to Pogtopia. "Wilbur...? I- I miss him..." Tommy admitted, looking at his feet. "I know... I know. But..." Wilbur paused, contemplating his next words. "It was never meant to be. L'Manburg was destined to fall." Tommy gasped quietly, looking at Wilbur, "What do you mean, 'destined'?" Wilbur sighed, "We set it up to fail. We refused to let Americans join, we sealed ourselves off from everyone else, we started a war over it all." Tommy frowned at this, "Wilbur, it was never destined to fail, it was destined to thrive, but Schlatt changed that. We were a growing country who kind of... kept the peace!" Tommy looked at Wilbur, seeing the cold look in his eyes. "Tommy. Just forget about it." "No! I am NOT going to just forget about it!" Wilbur frowned, "Then leave. I don't want to hear about L'Manburg. We lost it and will most likely never get it back unless we do something drastic, and you keep preventing that. Get out of Pogtopia and don't come back unless you're ready to follow your leader, got it?" Tommy's eyes widened as he took it all in, "L-leave...?" Wilbur nodded solemnly, "Yes Tommy, leave. Now." Wilbur then turned his head to the communication device on his shoulder, "Techno, escort Tommy to the edge of Pogtopia, he's no longer welcome here." Tommy backed up, a look of incredulity on his face, "Y-you can't do this Wilbur! I'm- I'm your right hand man!" Wilbur laughed as Technoblade walked up behind him, brandishing a netherite sword, "Oh yes Tommy, yes I can. I'm the leader here, you are not." Tommy scowled as Techno approached him, "This is going to be what destroys you, Wilbur!" "C'mon Tommy, start moving so I don't have to do something drastic." Technoblade said, holding the sword to Tommy's chest. Tommy turned and ran out of Pogtopia, Techno following behind slowly to make sure he left.


Tubbo was in Manburg, enjoying some free time with his bees when Jschlatt approached him, "Tubbo!! Good to see you here!" He smiled slyly. Tubbo sighed and waved goodbye to his bees before walking over to Schlatt. "What do you need... sir...?" He said the last word unwillingly. "I need you, Tubbo, to go and find me some emeralds for a beacon." Schlatt explained, smiling. Tubbo nodded, "Ok... I'll head out of Manburg to do so, I will be going into caves over that way." Tubbo pointed in a random direction. Schlatt nodded, "Be back before sundown." Tubbo frowned and went to get his mining gear. After he got the gear he needed, Tubbo left Manburg and headed towards Pogtopia to get a break, and maybe even a few extra emeralds. When he reached Pogtopia, he overheard Techno and Wilbur talking, "It's a good thing you kicked Tommy out, now there's nothing stopping us from blowing up Manburg." Techno said, a smile evident in his voice. Tubbo stiffened, listening quietly, "Exactly, that's one reason I did it, to get rid of him... he always challenged my authority, which isn't good for a country." Tubbo scowled and raced off, not caring that the two heard his footsteps, he raced off in a random direction, not caring where it brought him.


Tubbo had made it to a cave and was deep inside of it, searching for emeralds, which he hadn't found any as of the moment. He kept searching for hours until he decided to head back to Manburg empty handed. When he made it out of the cave, he looked around, not recognizing his surroundings... he was lost. "Uh oh..." Tubbo said softly, looking around for anything familiar. He then chose a direction and walked that way, hoping it lead him back to some place familiar since it was getting close to getting dark out. Tubbo ended up walking for a long time before a yell stopped him, "SON OF A-" it sounded like Tommy. Tubbo stopped and looked around, "Tommy!? Is that you!?" He called out, hoping his friend was nearby. A rustle in some bushes caused Tubbo to jump, but when he saw who came out of the bushes, he smiled. Tommy stood there, his clothes dirtied and torn, but he didn't look half bad. "Tubbo? What're you doing out here?" Tommy asked, approaching his friend. "Schlatt had me go and look for emeralds, but as you can tell, I couldn't find any... and I got lost..." Tubbo replied, looking at the ground. Tommy laughed slightly, "Well, I may have a few extra emeralds, come back to my camp with me."

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