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TW: mentions of death, maybe violence, hallucinations, insanity


"What if I told you ghosts were real? Would you believe me? Well, no matter your choice to believe me or not, they're among us as we speak. I know all too well the miseries they bring, as well as the atrocities they speak of and the way they sulk about. But this is how I came to know them, let me open your eyes."

Tommy and Tubbo had been friends since their childhood, always going over to the other's house and staying the night, always hanging out, and other normal kid things. But that all changed one fateful day when Tubbo showed up to Tommy's, a certain sadness about him. "Tubbo, what's wrong...?" Tommy asked his best friend, approaching him. Tubbo frowned and mumbled, "Wilbur said his father is the one who killed him." Tommy looked confused, so he asked, "Who's Wilbur??" "A ghost. A friendly ghost. Him and his friends sometimes visit me when I cannot visit you. He tells me things." "What types of things?" "The way a sword was brutally plunged into his chest at his insistence, the way his brother was brutally crushed in a public execution when his escape plan went wrong, and the way his father plummeted from the sky, his wings melting like wax as he fell, feathers and blood were everywhere. He tells me things about death." Tubbo replied, his voice low and disturbing, while he stared Tommy in the eyes with a slightly deranged expression. Tommy furrowed his brows, "Could I meet this Wilbur guy?" Tubbo just nods and grabs Tommy's hand, leading the taller boy to his house.

When the duo reached the shorter boy's house, they went upstairs into Tubbo's room. Tommy was sat down on Tubbo's bed, while Tubbo stood in front of him, looking around the room, "Wilbur...? Are you there? Could you talk to us? Tommy would like to meet you!" Nothing happened. Tommy frowned skeptically, "You sure you're not going insane? Whacko?? Off your rocker???" He asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at his friend. Tubbo opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Tommy jumping back and letting out a small scream. Tubbo turned around to see Wilbur standing behind him. "Wilbur!!" Tubbo exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. The apparition hugged the boy, though he couldn't feel it, making Tubbo smile, Tommy on the other hand was horrified. Wilbur was a seven foot eight tall spectre, his eyes were a dull milky white, accented by slightly darker gray bags resting beneath his sunken in eyes, he wore a very light yellow sweater and an equally light red beanie on top of his unruly hair. The ghost's midsection sported a nasty gash, blackish gray liquid constantly dripping from it and disappearing before it hit the floor, the apparition's skin was a pale white with tints of blue, he looked terrifying. Tommy stared at Wilbur for what seemed like ages before the spectre smiled and waved, "Hello, Tommy. I hear much about you." The voice it spoke with was a dreary monotone with a British drawl and a slight echo, very similar to what you would expect to hear. "Y-You're real??" Tommy asked in disbelief, Wilbur just nodded. When Tommy finally calmed down a bit, the trio began to talk some, Wilbur was slower to reply, but he kept up with the various conversations. Near the end of Tommy's visit, Wilbur spoke up, "Tommy. Let me tell you the horrors of my past, the things I have told Tubbo, the reasons for my dread inducing aura." Tommy just looked at him, his eyes widening slightly when Wilbur lightly gripped his shoulders.



I had an idea for this last night, but I got too tired to continue it. So uh, here's this. I wanted to make it more creepy, but yeah, that didn't work out.
Happy Valentines day

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