I dont want to anymore!

538 23 6

Warning: suicidal thoughts, mentions of suicide, stuff relating to that


Tubbo was fed up, completely done with the way everyone treated him, the way everyone treated him like trash, like a little kid. The boy had grabbed a netherite dagger that Tommy had given to him ages ago and left the house, running off into the night, unaware he was being followed. Tubbo made his way up to a cliff and sat at its edge, staring up at the stars, tears starting to trail down his face as he thought things over. "You're just another tyrant," "Tubbo, you're just a kid!!" "Go bother someone else." Various memories swirled through his head, but when one struck the center of his thoughts, he began to cry more, shaking violently as his choked sobs filled the night air, "What am I without you?" "Yourself." Tubbo gripped the dagger tightly in his right hand and and brought the blade up to his throat, but a voice stopped him, "T-Tubbo...?" The boy's eyes widened as he sat there, unmoving, "Tubbo, what are you doing-?" Tubbo set the dagger down and turned to see his best friend standing a few feet away, eyes tearing up as he stood there. Tubbo's twisted frown and heartbreaking sobs worsened at the sight of his best friend, his everything. "Tubbo, please don't, oh my gosh what would I do without you?!" Tommy took a trembling step forward, causing Tubbo to grab the dagger once more, "S-S-Stop. Just l-le-lemme do th-this." He choked out, the dagger gripped tightly in his hand. Tommy let the tears fall down his face, "Please don't Tubbo... I can't live without you..." Tubbo brought the dagger to his throat once more, pressing it against his jugular. "I have t-to do this." The boy said, working up the courage to end it all. "TUBBO, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!" Tommy screamed, falling to his knees. "PLEase..." Tubbo faltered, bringing the dagger away from his neck a bit. "Please T-Tubbo! We all l-love you, we all care for y-you," Tommy trailed off, looking Tubbo in the eyes. "I need you." Tubbo sniffed a few times before bringing the dagger to his throat again. "That's the problem," he said before preparing to slide the dagger across his throat. Tommy bolted forward, grabbing the dagger from his friend before plunging off the cliff, leaving Tubbo unharmed and alive. When he realized what happened, Tubbo leaned over the cliff, "TOMMY! NO!" He screamed, searching for his friend and crying his eyes out. He pulled himself up from the edge of the cliff after a few more minutes, crying loudly, "I-It's all my f-fault!" He sobbed, gagging as he cried harder, tears streaming down his face like a river. Tubbo was so wrapped up in crying, he didn't noticed the figure climbing up over the edge of the cliff and crawling towards him. The figure gets up and brushes itself off before going over and hugging Tubbo tightly, joining in the boy's sobs. Tubbo looks up to see Tommy hugging him, "Tommy?! Oh my gosh I thought I lost you!" He exclaimed, hugging his best friend tighter. "You can never get rid of me." Tommy said after calming down a bit. The two sat there, hugging eachother until dawn, when Ghostbur found them. "There you guys are! I was looking everywh-" he cut himself off as he saw their tear stained faces. "What happened?" He asked softly, hugging them both. "I... I tried to kill myself... Tommy stopped me..." Tubbo admitted quietly, causing Ghostbur to gasp slightly and hug them both tighter. After the two boys calmed down, Ghostbur brought them home, where they both fell asleep on the couch. Ghostbur went and covered them up with a warm blanket and watched over them as they slept, making sure nothing else happened.


Soooo.... Tommy's stream today... yeah....

ALSO!! If you're ever feeling suicidal, please tell someone you trust or call a suicide prevention hotline! I am also open to talk, just message me! (I am in no way a professional!!)

Sorry this is short, I got the idea while reading another book. Yeah, it's not the best and it moves quickly, but oh well.

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