And us.

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TW: mentions of scars, descriptions of said scars, spoilers????, mentions of past events?, did I forget anything??


Tommy held onto Tubbo as if he were a lifeline, his hug like a death grip on the shorter boy, Tommy was mentally panicking again for it had been almost twenty minutes since they had seen Sam. Tubbo was slowly bringing his fingers through Tommy's hair since it was the only way to physically comfort his friend without risking hitting a sensitive scar. Tommy was whining softly, his face scrunched into a look of sadness and worry, Tubbo frowned and gently rubbed his friend's back on the side that wouldn't have any scars, trying to calm him down, "Sam will be alright, he's the all powerful Warden, right? He can take care of himself," Tubbo said softly, drowning out his own worries with his hopeful words. Tommy nodded softly, "Cn.. see i-if S-S-S-" Tommy tried to say, but Tubbo helped him out, "You want me to go check on him?" Tommy nodded, pulling away from the hug. Tubbo limped over to the doorway of the house, climbing the stairs and peeking in, "Sam...?" There was no reply, causing Tubbo to take a few more wonky steps forward, his bad leg hindering him more than normal. "Sam...?" Tubbo called again cautiously, no reply. Tubbo walked deeper into the house, calling the older man's name every once in a while, there was no sign of Sam. Tubbo was worried as he made his way towards his and Tommy's room, his hooves clicking against the cobblestone floors, "Sam?" Tubbo asked, peeking into the room. There sat Sam, using the blue fire to destroy the vines, he turned his head when he heard Tubbo, "I thought I stood you to stay outside?" He asked, putting out the fire when the vines were gone. "Y-yeah... but Tommy was worried for you." Tubbo replied, looking to the ground. "Ah, alright, let's go back to him then." Sam said, burning the gloves he had just been wearing with a bit of soul fire so he didn't contaminate anything. Sam walked with Tubbo back to where Tommy was sitting on the log, tears slipping down his cheeks. Sam walked over and knelt down in front of Tommy, "Hey, there's no reason to cry, I'm alright, and so is Tubbo." He said, wiping the tears off of Tommy's face. Tommy shook his head and pointed to his neck before pointing towards the woods. Sam looked confused, but before he could say anything, Tubbo piped up, "Did someone steal your compass?!" Tommy nodded sadly. Someone had stolen 'Your Tubbo'. Sam frowned, trying not to worry Tommy at all as he stood up, clearly not happy at the events that had unknowingly taken place while he had been inside. "Who did it?" He said simply, trying his best not to sound livid. Tommy whined and opened his mouth to speak, after a few moments closing it and furrowing his brows. Tommy then grabbed a stick and drew something in the dirt at his feet, it was a smiley face with a crown. "Dream?" Tubbo asked, causing Tommy to shake his head. After a few moments of silence, Sam spoke, "Was it Ranboo, Tommy?" Tommy partially nodded but then pointed to the smile, "M-Msk..." he stuttered out. "Ranboo in a mask??" Tubbo asked, causing Tommy to nod vigorously. Sam sighed, grabbing his trident, "You two stay here. Don't go into the house and stay out of trouble. Ghostbur or Puffy should be here soon." Tommy whined softly, frowning, Sam sounded very mad, though it wasn't directed at them, Tommy felt nervous. Sam was never like this.

After Sam had left, Tubbo sat beside Tommy and gave him a gentle side hug, "Hey, everything will be fine! You'll get your compass back in no time!" Tubbo exclaimed reassuringly. Tommy smiled slightly, wiping away his tears before resting his head on Tubbo's shoulder, worn out from the day's events. Tubbo smiled brightly and sat there with his friend until Ghostbur showed up, his normal sad smile gracing his face as per usual. Tommy groaned as he stretched, his scars still as sensitive as always to the unnatural movement. "Tommy, you're looking really good," Ghostbur observed, his smile curving upward more. Tommy nodded, "Feel-ih... bttr." He stuttered, still tripping over vowels. Ghostbur smiled wider, happy with the progress Tommy was making. "So, while we wait for Sam, what should we do?" Tubbo asked, glancing sideways at Tommy and Ghostbur. "We could go see Friend!" Ghostbur exclaimed, causing Tommy to whine since he couldn't walk that far. "But Ghostbur, Friend is-" Tubbo didn't want to finish the sentence, he knew Ghostbur understood by the way his Smile faded into a frown. Tubbo sighed, "How about we tell stories...? That's bound to be interesting and pass the time." Tommy nodded, smiling slightly. "Oh, that's a great idea, may I go first?" Ghostbur asked, a hopeful smile on his face. Tommy nodded happily, while Tubbo muttered a quick "mhmm." Ghostbur smiled wider, "Let me tell you about..." he paused momentarily, "The time Techno and I traversed the Barren Lands!" Tommy leaned against Tubbo slightly as he listened, and Tubbo linked arms with Tommy, smiling.

Hours and hours passed, there was still no sign of Sam or Tommy's compass, but luckily the teen had passed out with Tubbo next to him and Ghostbur on watch, so they weren't worried about it currently. The duo was sleeping peacefully when Sam walked out of the woods, clasping something in his hand, Ghostbur had turned to face him, but when he saw who it was, he relaxed. "Ghostbur, you can go now, thank you for watching over them." Sam whispered softly, trying not to wake the boys. Ghostbur nodded and went over, kissing Tommy and Tubbo on the forehead before brandishing an old coat out of seemingly nowhere and gently covering them with it. Ghostbur smiled at Sam before leaving, it was completely silent now, not even the wind was blowing. Sam went and sat down by the sleeping boys, being quiet so he didn't wake them, he kept watch over them all night long, not taking even a second to sleep.

The next morning, when Tommy and Tubbo woke, Sam greeted them warmly with a gentle hug, Tommy made a quiet noise, sitting up and accepting the hug happily. When the duo were completely awake, Sam handed Tommy his compass, "Ranboo was somehow being controlled by Dream with the mask. I quickly put an end to that and helped Ranboo out before retrieving your compass and bringing it back. I'm sorry that it got cracked, I tried to keep it as safe as I could." Tommy hummed softly, "It-ts o-k." Sam smiled, gently ruffling Tommy's hair before turning to Tubbo, "Ranboo may join us sometime later today, I offered to let him stay for a while." Tubbo nodded, smiling, "Alrighty!" Sam put a hand on Tubbo's shoulder as Tommy stood to try and move around a bit, "Thank you for all the help with Tommy, I'm so grateful you're here. As soon as I can I will start working on something for that leg of yours, alright?" Tubbo gasped slightly, taken aback by Sam's statement, "A-alright." Tubbo then smiled big. The trio made their way back into the house after it was throughly searched by Sam to make sure there were no red vines. Tommy was making his way around the living room again, his stabilizers holding him up and Tubbo by his side, limping along with him. Sam was making them a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, waffles, and scrambled eggs, it was going to be a nice day.

Around noon, Ranboo arrived, he seemed very nervous, but he felt better the more he talked with Tubbo and Tommy. The three of them had a blast when Sam went to the prison since they could be as loud as they wanted and practically do anything they wanted. It was a good day. When Sam came home, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were passed out on the couch, Fran walked in beside Sam and went over to the side of the couch and laid down. Sam smiled and quietly got some blankets and covered the boys up before walking out of the room and turning off the light. Things were getting better.


Aight, that's the end of this mini series! This one here was a mix of being rushed, having unfinished ideas, and just having an overall bad night. Tonight really hasn't been the best for me, so I'm sorry if that shows in some of the writing. I hope you guys liked this mini series (:
I'm hoping to update War Changes People soon, but ya know, I need good ideas and irl needs to slow down a bit. Sorry for this long A/N, have a great day/night <3

Oh yes, extras:

Why does Tommy cry so much?: well, he's just gone through very traumatic events, half of his body was literally seared like a steak. The recovery process is always the hardest, it takes lots of time, stress, and patience.

Why are his scars 'sensitive'?: well, scars aren't numb, you can still feel things, and with certain scars, they still hurt when touched. It could either mean they're still healing, or they'll always be a bit painful. I kind of know this first hand since I had surgery on my wrist and my scar was very sensitive for some time after I got my stitches removed and it was considered "healed".

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