
351 13 1

Warnings: same as the previous few


Karl meandered into the kitchen, sitting down at the table and squinting in the early morning light. "Morning." A young voice said, causing Karl to turn quickly and face Tubbo, who was sitting on the couch quietly. "Tubbo...? Since when did you get here?" Karl asked, standing up and approaching the teen. "I let myself in this morning since you said I was allowed to when need be... Tommy and Sam are all buddy-buddy now as if nothing happened and here I am being left in the dust once more." Tubbo huffed, resting his head on his hand. Karl kneeled in front of Tubbo and gently took his free hand, "I guess it's the perfect time to bring this up then, though I would rather have Quackity and Sapnap here with us as well... anyways, we were wondering..." the brunette trailed off, making sure he had Tubbo's attention, "We were wondering if you would be fine with us adopting you. You could live here with us, you would have your own room and all the privacy you could ever want, we could get you everything you need and things you want. We would absolutely love to have you here with us, but I need to know how you feel about it." Karl stared hopefully at Tubbo, who was completely speechless, his mouth agape. After a few moments, the boy spoke, "I- I-" he took a quick breath before shooting to his feet, taking Karl with him, "I would love to!" Karl smiled and hugged Tubbo tightly, "I'm so glad you said yes! You're going to love it here!!" Tubbo laughed and hugged Karl back tighter.

When the other two awoke, Karl told them what happened and they were both ecstatic about the situation, hugging Tubbo and smiling. Tubbo ate breakfast with them and happily took a look at what would be his new room. "Since it's not ready for you yet, you can sleep in our bed and we can take the couch." Quackity said, glancing to Karl and Sapnap, who both nodded. Tubbo smiled, "I'll be fine on the couch! You guys don't have to baby me! Plus, I still gotta get my things!!" "Oh! About that..." Karl piped up. "We had Sam gather your things from his house so we can just go pick them up and avoid any conflict and unnecessary time waste." "You expected me to say yes so soon??" Tubbo asked, confused. Karl gave a goofy smile before replying, "No, we just told him our plan and that we would message him if you said yes!" "Oh," Tubbo said, giving a slightly surprised look.

"Well, are you ready to go get your stuff, little man?" Quackity asked, laughing slightly as he ruffled Tubbo's hair. "I'm not that little!" Tubbo laughed, clinging onto Quackity's hand like a bug. The group decided to pick up Tubbo's things the next day so that they could all get a good night's rest after a day of spending time together, so the next morning, Quackity and Tubbo got ready to go while Karl and Sapnap prepared his room. Tubbo smiled and skipped out of the door like a little kid, smiling wide as Quackity followed him to Sam's house. When the pair arrived, Sam was outside his house standing beside a few shulker boxes and holding another. "Oh wow! You really did pack my stuff!" Tubbo exclaimed happily. Sam laughed softly as he handed Tubbo the shulker box he held before helping Quackity put the others in his inventory. Tubbo set the shulker box he held on the ground before giving Sam a big hug, "Thank you for everything!! I hope Tommy isn't mad I'm leaving... if he gives you any trouble let me know!!" Sam returned the hug, smiling, "Stay safe, Tubs, and take care of those three, alright?" Tubbo nodded, pulling away from the hug and grabbing the shulker box once more. "Bye!" He said cheerfully as him and Quackity began the walk back.

Once the duo entered the beginning of the small pathway that lead to the house, Quackity stopped Tubbo and told him to set his things down, which he did. "Tubbo, I want you to close your eyes, ok?" The darker haired male asked, looking at Tubbo with a slightly pleading gaze. Tubbo nodded, "O-ok." He then shut his little eyes and stood in place, awaiting his next instructions. A little bit later, Quackity returned, "Alright, hold out your hands," Tubbo complied, holding his hands out. The boy felt Quackity move his hands a little before placing something in them, Tubbo waited for Quackity to tell him what to do next. "You can open your eyes now!!" Tubbo slowly opened his eyes, when he saw what he held in his hands, he smiled slightly. The boy held the object and looked at it, "It's a sword... thank you." He said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Quackity chuckled, "Unsheathe the sword, silly." Tubbo looked at him before doing so, his jaw dropping as his eyes gazed upon the sword. A glimmering blackish purple blade slid out of the sheathe, a pinkish purple aura surrounding it, the blade was held to the bone handle with leather that was bejeweled with diamonds. "It's... You got me an enchanted netherite sword with a custom handle?!" Tubbo exclaimed, looking at Quackity in disbelief. "Heh, Karl and Sapnap don't even know yet, but I thought you deserved a little something special to keep you company in your new home. Oh! Also, take a look at the base of the handle!" Tubbo shifted the sword in his hands, looking at the bottom of the handle and seeing a small black fragment carved into the shape of a bee. "It's part of a disc Tommy broke, I think it was Stal or something, maybe Blocks, but I can't remember, I just know you two listened to it a lot and were both devastated when it shattered, so I found a piece and made it into a little bee before adding it to the sword!" Tubbo let out a quiet sniffle, sheathing the sword and setting it against one of his shulker boxes gently before lunging at Quackity and engulfing him in a tight hug, "Th-thank you so much... You don't kn-know how much this m-m-means to me..." the teen buried his face in the older's chest, sobbing softly. Quackity returned the hug and held him there until he pulled away. When the two were ready, they made their way inside to where Tubbo would be staying, Karl and Sapnap were just finishing putting the mattress on the bed frame when they entered. With the help of the three fiances, Tubbo put his stuff where he wanted it in his new room, making everything perfect, the group then went into the kitchen where Karl pulled a freshly baked cake from the counter and placed it on the table in front of Tubbo, who had yet to sit down. The boy smiled when everyone stood around him, hugging him gently. "Welcome home, Tubbo."


Woo the mini series is done! Finally!
Anywho, I enjoyed that (: I hope you did too!

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