And back again.

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TW: fluff (platonic), anxiety/panic attacks, mentions of death,


Tommy stared ahead at the Honey Dew Mists, looking deep into the waterfalls before charting out a path with his eyes. The boy took a deep breath before walking over to a fallen log bridge, the log reached across the length of one waterfall and met up with the cliffs next to another. Tommy began to walk across the log slowly, balancing precariously on his feet as he walked, he slipped a few times, causing his heart to drop, but he made it to the other side and to the cliffs. Tommy then used any and all foot and hand holds he could to scale the cliffs, slowly making his way across the falls, when he was almost to the end, a piece of rock his foot was placed on gave out from under him, sending him into a panic when he almost lost his grip. The boy huddled close to the cliffside for a few moments before continuing, after another slip up or two, he made it across. As the boy traversed the perilous terrain, memories began to seep their way back into his mind. "Hey Tommy, race you to the treehouse!!" Tubbo exclaimed, already beginning to run, leaving Tommy to race after him, ultimately losing the race, but he didn't mind, the pair laughed it off. "I love you Tommy, you're the best brother anyone could ever ask for." Tubbo said groggily as he laid his head on Tommy's shoulder, "I love you more Tubzo." Tommy replied, giving his brother a side hug, making him laugh. "I- I uh- I got something for you..." Tommy said softly, holding a small bee pendant out to his sobbing older brother, who took it gently. "You got it for m-me?" Tubbo sniffed, looking up at Tommy, who was smiling awkwardly, "Y-Yeah..." he rubbed the back of his neck. Tubbo lunged forward and gave Tommy a big hug, "Thank you," he whispered softly. Tommy began to tear up at this point, the memories becoming too much for him as he finally made it to the other side of the falls. "I miss you Tubbo," Tommy said softly, wiping away his tears and continuing his journey.

After another hour or so of walking, Tommy noticed some trees up ahead, they were a beautiful golden-pink color, the boy picked up his pace until he noticed a quaint gate with a sign above it. "Sun Dew Forest" There it was, the only entry to the forest that Tommy had taken weeks to find. The boy dropped to his knees in wonder, the beauty of the forest was overwhelming, the beautiful trees, the wildlife he could see, the aura the forest gave off. After staring in awe for minutes that seemed like seconds, Tommy got up and made his way to the gate, slowly stepping inside, the colors and wonder fading before his eyes. The boy stiffened as he watched the colors fade and the once beautiful trees turned into gnarled logs and sticks, the once calming aura turned disturbing, the birdsong stopped abruptly as well, leaving Tommy alone in eerie silence. The boy stumbled forward, his paranoia starting to take over as he walked, every little movement or sound had him whipping his head around, and every stump was well hidden, causing him to trip multiple times. This is for Tubbo, for your brother, do it for him, this is just what you see, the forest is still beautiful. Tommy thought to himself as he continued walking, trying to find the perfect spot to put the bee pendant. Tommy continued the perilous walk deeper into the woods, tripping and slipping, falling and stalling, he didn't enjoy his time there. When Tommy was just about to turn back, he noticed a gaunt looking deer start moving towards him, its antlers looked like the gnarled branches around it, its eyes were sunken in, Tommy could make out its ribs and most of its skeletal structure, it made Tommy uncomfortable, but he didn't move. The deer stopped inches away from his face and sniffed him, Tommy wasn't sure why he didn't turn and run, he felt as if he should stay there. The deer looked him up and down, occasionally sniffing him and nudging him, poking him with its antlers, and pawing at the ground softly. The boy froze as the deer stood in front of him once more, its milky white eyes stared into his as if it were staring into his soul. "Mortal, state your name." A noble voice boomed from seemingly nowhere, causing Tommy to flinch. Did the deer just say that? "T-Tommy." He stuttered out. "TommyInnit, brother of Tubbo_ and practical son of AweSamDude. You have made it through the trial set before all who enter this forest, I have been watching you, judging you, and I have deemed you pure of heart. You may proceed deeper into the forest." The voice boomed once more, leaving Tommy shocked. The deer before him still stood there, flakes of fur and skin falling off to reveal pure white fur, regal antlers, and a muscular build. Where the rotten buck once stood was now a pure white stag with blazing blue eyes, it nodded to the teen and stepped aside. Tommy stared ahead in amazement, taking a few steps as he watched the dark and ugly landscape melt back into the comforting and beautiful one he had seen before entering the forest. The boy began to walk forward on weak legs as he continued to search for the perfect spot to place his late brother's pendant he held dear. Tommy continued to stumble forward until movement caught his eye, a squirrel darted up a tree, its bushy tail making it look like a mini comet. The boy sighed and continued forward until he reached a beautiful pond surrounded by weeping willows, with lily pads littering some of the surface. The boy took out the pendant and brought it over to one of the willows, he reached up and placed it in a nook in the branches, it wouldn't fall from there unless someone disturbed it. Tommy was about to turn and leave, mission complete, but a sudden snap alerted him, causing him to pause and watch as a brown haired centaur walked out of the trees, the animal half of it looked like a golden cow with flowers sprouting from its pelt, bees swarmed around the centaur as it walked. Tommy only froze when the centaur looked his way, its face was so familiar he dropped to his knees for the second time, only uttering one word, one name, "Tubbo?" The centaur smiled and trotted over to where Tommy sat on his knees, the kind beast reached a hand down towards Tommy, "brother." Tommy began to sob as the now centaur Tubbo helped him up and pulled him into a hug. "This can't be real," Tommy choked out, grasping his late brother's shirt as he hugged him. "But it is Tommy, it is." "How are you here? I thought you were dead! How- how could you have left me like that?! I suffered for years thinking you were dead!!" Tommy snarled incredulously. "Tommy, calm down." "Why are you here, why didn't you tell me you were here, what even is this place?!" Tommy yelled, throwing questions at Tubbo left and right. The centaur looked Tommy in the eyes, gently grabbed his shoulders, and smiled softly, "Tommy, this is the afterlife. You died." Tommy stared at him blankly, not believing a word he said. Tubbo blinked a few times, bringing Tommy into a hug, "You never made the journey Toms, Sam found you passed out at one of your camps, you had eaten poisoned berries, he couldn't save you." Tears pricked at Tommy's eyes as he began to realize what happened, he was dead, but he was with his brother. "Tubbo...? I'm sorry I couldn't do it..." "It's alright, we're together again." The two boys hugged tightly until Tubbo let go, "You're finding your form..." the centaur whispered, watching as Tommy's body began to change into that of an animal. Tommy's upper body stayed the same, while the rest shifted into that of a melanistic stag and a pair of velvety black antlers grew from his brow. His clothes were repaired and he was restored to his full health and physical  appearance. Tubbo smiled, hugging him, which Tommy returned quickly, the Moobloom centaur whispered softly, "Welcome home."


Man, that ending didn't go as planned, but oh well, plans change. I am so very tired so no editing, sorry. If you spot spelling mistakes, comment please.

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