Partners in crime

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Warnings: platonic fluff, swearing


Tommy sighed, walking by Wilbur's side as they made their way to Tubbo's house so Wilbur could flirt with his older brother or whatever he does. Tommy couldn't care less what Wilbur and Schlatt did though, he was more interested in hanging out with his best friend. The pair made it to the front door and Wilbur knocked a few times before taking a step back and waiting for someone to get the door. To Tommy, it felt like hours until a certain ram hybrid opened the door, glaring at the teen before eyeing his brother like a juicy piece of meat. Tommy rolled his eyes and pushed past Schlatt, ignoring the male's grumbles of protest, and making his way up to Tubbo's room. "Ey, Tubs!" Tommy said enthusiastically as he spotted his friend sitting on the floor of his room, doodling on paper while listening to music. "Tommy! What're you doing here?!" Tubbo jumped up, rushing over and hugging his best friend. "Wilbur had me come along with him so he could go on a date with Schlatt." Tommy rolled his eyes in an exaggerated manner before burying his head in Tubbo's mop of hair. Tubbo laughed, hugging Tommy tighter and hiding his face in his neck, "Those two act like they're dating." Tommy laughed at that before gently pulling out of the hug, "Yeah! How about we get out of here and leave them alone?" He gave a big wink before laughing. Tubbo laughed too, "Yeah!! Let's go out in the woods!!" The pair made their way out of Tubbo's room, down the stairs, and past Wilbur and Schlatt who were talking quietly with their faces close together as if they were discussing top secret information. The two boys bolted out the back door and into the woods, excitedly grabbing sticks and fighting eachother before starting up a game of tag.

Tommy and Tubbo spent hours out in the woods, eventually heading back when it was getting dark and laying on their backs in the yard, looking up at the stars. "Ey Tommy?" Tubbo asked quietly. "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too, Tubbo." The two smiled, linking arms. "You're like my brother." Tommy added after a moment, staring up at the stars. "You're like the brother I've always wanted." Tubbo said softly, closing his eyes momentarily. Tommy smiled and moved his head so it was resting against Tubbo's, "We're partners in crime, Tubs. Nobody can ever separate us."


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