I'll Find You

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Warning: a bit of angst, injury, description of said injury, stuff like that!


It was getting darker... The sun was going down... And here Tommy is, all by his lonesome under the rising moon, a big gash in his side...

Tommy had been scouting out some new land for Pogtopia when he was ambushed by Fundy and... Nihachu... Though Nihachu didn't harm him, she faked it, to show she was no traitor so she stood a chance of staying in Manburg... for now... but Tommy didn't see that, he thought she had betrayed them and he fought for his life, ultimately slipping up when he was yelling at Nihachu "HOW- HOW COULD YOU?!" That's when Fundy stabbed him in the side with his netherite axe, bringing the young man to his knees. Nihachu had screamed, but Fundy laughed, smiling wickedly at the fallen teen. "C'mon, we need to tell Schlatt!" Fundy had said, grabbing Nihachu's arm and dragging her back to Manburg, leaving Tommy to bleed out. After a few moments, it set in, he was dying... So Tommy dragged himself to a tree, where he now sat...

Tommy brandished a book and quill from his pocket and began to write a small note to whoever found him.


To whoever finds me,

I have been ambushed by Niki and Fundy, do not trust either of them, Niki is with the enemy. Fundy stabbed me during our scuffle, I'm not sure I'll make it... But I'll try my best. If I am dead when you find me, please give my discs and whatever else he chooses from my enderchest to Tubbo. ONLY Tubbo. Please take care of him for me, I don't want him by himself if I die... Hopefully I can stop the bleeding and survive until somebody finds me, but you never know what will happen out here... The moon sure is beautiful right now, the stars too... It's as if they're calling to me, telling me to let go... But I won't, not yet. Tell Tubbo I loved him, alright? He's my best friend and I could never have wished for a better one. My vision is getting a bit blurry now, so exccuse spelling mistakes pease.  I hope you dont fnd me dead, best of luck.


With that, Tommy put the book down and took his shirt off, wrapping it around his midsection tightly and tying it off to staunch the bloodflow. Hopefully he could make it till dawn...

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