On My Own...?

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TW: fluff (platonic), implied death, nightmares, slight panic attacks, throwing up, mentions of starving and being very skinny

(Hehe AU time)


Tommy jolted awake, breathing heavily, he frantically looked around for his older brother, Tubbo, only calming down when he realized the shorter boy was asleep on his chest. Tommy sighed and gently brought his fingers through Tubbo's hair, grounding himself and forgetting about the Nightmare he had just had. Tommy was always the one to act as an older brother, though he was at least 3 months younger than Tubbo, always keeping an eye out for danger, protecting his brother when needed, and nearly sacrificing himself multiple times. Tommy sighed and hugged Tubbo gently, hoping for the sun to rise soon so they could both get up and get going, they weren't welcomed there and they could both sense it. The blonde closed his eyes again, hoping for sleep to take him, but it didn't, but the thoughts did. 'You're better off dead. You can't take care of him.' 'You can't protect him, it's your fault he has those scars.' 'All your fault.' 'You're the reason for all of this. You're worthless.' The thoughts swirled around his head like voices, taunting him and causing him to curl into himself even more, not realizing he had awoken the sleeping Tubbo, who was looking around in confusion. Tommy whimpered quietly and wiped the tears that were beginning to form, he started to breathe heavily and shake violently, causing Tubbo to hug him. "Tommy, I'm here, we're safe, you're ok, nothing is going to happen to us. We'll find somewhere to live, it won't be like this much longer." The older whispered, hugging Tommy tightly and gently playing with his hair, slowly calming him down. Tommy returned the hug, holding onto his brother as if he were a lifeline, "I'm sorry." He choked out, sobbing into Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo sighed and held Tommy close, repeatedly telling him things were going to be ok and that they're safe. After about a half hour, Tommy had fallen asleep again, Tubbo following suit soon after.

As the sun rose, Tommy opened his eyes, squinting them as he looked around, no Tubbo in sight. "Tu-Tubbo...?" Tommy called out softly, getting up and walking out of their makeshift home. Nobody was there, Tommy was alone, he had been seeing things again, Tubbo wasn't there, he never was, he had been dead for years now. Tommy sniffed and packed up his few belongings and continued on his journey for his late brother, he was heading to a place called Sun Dew Forest. Tubbo had always talked about moving there, it was rumored to house many bees and other wildlife, it was said that the forest was so beautiful and only the pure of heart could live there and see its beauty. Tommy wasn't sure if he was pure of heart, but he wanted to bring a piece of his brother there so he could live there like he had always wanted. Tommy clutched the bee pendant in his right hand as he walked, not wanting anything to happen to the precious object. The boy had been traveling for almost 3 weeks now, the forest was supposed to be far, far west from where he had originally lived, so that's the way he was going, he wasn't planning on stopping until he reached the forest, he would die before he stopped this journey.

5 days later, Tommy had a feeling he was getting closer, he was currently examining his stomach and chest, he could see his own ribs but he ignored them, he wasn't that hungry anyways. The boy hummed a quiet tune as he continued the long journey, the only thing keeping him company was the remnant of his brother, the bee pendant. He continued to walk, only stopping when he found a suitable place to build a makeshift house, which he did. The boy crawled into the house and layed down on the pile of straw he made, closing his eyes and eventually drifting off. "Tommy...?" A quiet voice awoke him, making him look around until his eyes landed on his brother, who had tear streaks running down his face. "Tubbo? What's wrong?" Tommy asked, pulling the shorter into a hug. "I had a dream that I died and you left... You left because of me..." Tubbo whispered quietly, hugging Tommy tightly. Tommy sighed, playing with Tubbo's hair, "I wouldn't- Well, I would leave if you died... I would leave to make your wish come true. I would make sure a piece of you made it to wherever you wanted to go." Tubbo sniffed and hugged his brother tighter, "Please don't leave me." Tubbo's words faded away as Tommy jolted awake, tears falling down his now reddened cheeks. The boy was breathing heavily as he curled into a ball, sobbing loudly, holding himself as he did so. Tommy eventually felt bile rise in his throat, so he threw himself out of the building and emptied his stomach, choking on his sobs. The blonde sat there, crying his eyes out as he sat there, missing his brother. "Why couldn't it have been me?!" He sobbed, bringing his knees to his chest. He hid his face in his knees until he felt a hand on his shoulder, he slowly looked up, his blue tear stained eyes meeting with a pair of darker blue ones filled with sympathy. Tommy just stared at the man, who was smiling softly, "Hey, are you ok?" Tommy shook his head slightly, not saying anything before he turned and hugged the man, who returned the hug. A few hours later, Tommy and the man were sitting outside of the makeshift house, "What're you doing this far out, Sam?" Tommy asked, giving the taller man a sideways glance. Sam laughed slightly, "I was just exploring when I heard about a blonde haired boy wearing a red sleeved white shirt had passed through a few towns on some sort of journey, and you're the only blonde haired boy who wears a red sleeved white shirt that I know of." Tommy laughed slightly, "Well, I'm glad you found me. It's been... rough..." Sam smiled sympathetically, giving Tommy a side hug, "I know, I know... But things will get better, trust me." Tommy smiled and sat there with Sam for a while before getting up, "The sun's rising... I'd better get going..." he said, disappointment filling his tone. "Would you like me to come with? Two people to gather supplies are better than one, plus I can keep you company." Sam said, smiling. Tommy smiled brightly, "I would love for you to come with! It would help a lot... Thank you." The two then packed up Tommy's stuff and took down the makeshift house. "Wait here a second, I have a horse stalled at a nearby village, let me go get it quickly," Sam said as Tommy began to look for food. "Alright, I'll wait around here, but I can't guarantee I'll be in this exact spot." Tommy said, spotting a few berry bushes at the edge of the woods. Sam darted off towards the village whilst Tommy picked the berries, a short while later returning with said horse. "We could put our gear in her saddle bags." Sam was saying as Tommy was chewing a mouthful of berries. Tommy smiled and took off his backpack, putting it into one of the horse's saddle bags along with his canteen. "Alright, let's go!" Tommy exclaimed, now excited.

The pair journeyed for another week, only stopping at night or if they needed to gather resources, the trip was fairly straightforward, nothing went wrong for once and Tommy was no longer starving or lonely. When the duo reached what everyone called the Honey Dew Mists, Tommy and Sam ended up parting ways since Tommy wanted to continue on his own. Sam and Tommy hugged before Tommy grabbed his things and Sam hopped on his horse, trotting off. Now all Tommy had to do was make it through the waterfalls ahead of him.


Oh wow, I got an idea for a oneshot??? Yeah! Anyways, thank you guys for the suggestions so far, I'll be taking them into consideration! There will be a part two to this, don't worry (:
And to get rid of any confusion, Tommy and Tubbo are not blood brothers, they're just close friends who call each other brothers.

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