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Warning: fluff (platonic)


Tommy and Tubbo were fast asleep, Tubbo with his arms wrapped around an absolutely massive bee plush, and Tommy clinging to Tubbo's arm. The duo had fallen asleep together after returning home from a confrontation with Dream, it had worn them out and they ended up sitting on the floor together, Tommy comforting Tubbo who was upset about the whole ordeal. Tubbo was the first to wake up, squirming slightly before he froze, realizing Tommy held tightly to his arm. Better not wake him, He thought, sighing softly and bringing his free hand up and carefully wiping dried blood from Tommy's face. The boy then rested his head on Tommy's shoulder, enjoying the peace they had for the time being. The two sat there for a few more hours until Tommy jolted awake, breathing heavily, Tubbo looked at him, concerned, "Tommy, are you ok?" Tommy shook his head and embraced Tubbo, holding him tightly, his breathing labored as he buried his head in the crook of Tubbo's neck, hiding his face. Tubbo hugged him back, feeling warm tears dampen his shoulder. The boy whispered to his friend things along the lines of 'I'm here', 'You're ok', 'We're safe', and 'I won't leave you' which seemed to calm Tommy down slowly, though his body still shook with his worsening sobs. Tubbo smiled sadly and rubbed his friend's back, enjoying the warm hug and comfort he received from it. Tommy shakily pulled away from Tubbo a bit before resting his forehead against the other's, "P-please don't leave me... I couldn't take I-it if you l-left..." at that, Tubbo gently held Tommy's hands in his own, squeezing them softly, "I'm not going anywhere, big man. I'll always be with you." Tommy smiled and hugged his best friend again, sighing softly when Tubbo began to play with his hair. That boy always knew how to calm him down, it made him feel a little less alone in the world when he had someone by his side. Tubbo began to hum a tune quietly as Tommy hugged him tighter, letting out a few sniffs before falling silent. Tommy enjoyed the peace, soaking up all the warmth and safety he felt in his friend's arms. It was nice. But when Tommy opened his eyes once more, everything went back to normal, and the hard reality hit him once more. Tubbo was dead, killed off by Dream with the help of Ranboo... it hurt to remember it, but he didn't want to forget.


Sorry for it being so short, I wanted to get this done so I could work on other ideas. Again, this is all PLATONIC, none of it is romantic. Maybe Bromantic, but NOT romantic.

Tommyinnit + Tubbo oneshots (NO SHIPPING!)Where stories live. Discover now