And me...?

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TW: spoilers??, severe wounds, description of said wounds, partial blindness, did I miss anything?


Tommy staggered away from a now very much blown up L'Manburg, the whole right side of his body was severely burned, but he didn't care, he kept walking until he finally collapsed a safe distance away from the crater. The boy hissed as the grass tickled his freshly burned body, it felt like little razor blades cutting into him. He glanced down at the wounds, his eyes widening as he took in the damage. Tommy's skin was red, blisters and cuts littering the area where he had been hit, the thing that worried him the most was the shrapnel he could feel lodged within him, he was worried he would die because of it. The boy let out a soft sob as tears burned his eyes, he was never going to be the same. Tommy sat there silently until another figure stepped toward him, he looked up at the person, fear in his teary eyes, "T-Techno...?" He choked out quietly. The pig-man grunted and kneeled beside him, gently bandaging his wounds and forcing him to drink a health potion. Tommy scrunched his face up in pain before opening his mouth to thank Techno, but when he opened his eyes, Techno was gone, he had no bandages on, and he hadn't been given a potion. I'm hallucinating now... great. The boy thought, a tear slipping down his cheek. He closed his eyes, waiting for death to take him, but it never did. He had passed out.

When Tommy came to, he had bandages covering his wounds and bandages over his eyes, preventing him from seeing where he was. "Tommy...?" A voice said softly. Tommy paused, trying to figure out who it was, but all he could do was cry as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him gently and the faint scent of honey reach his nostrils. The boy continued to cry as his friend pulled away, "Tommy, don't cry, you're safe! I'm safe! It's over!"

It's over.

Over the next few days, Tommy was visited by friends, who would talk to him for a while before leaving. Though Tommy himself couldn't speak, he made little noises to let others know he was listening, he was trying his best. Since he had no vision for the time being, his hearing sharpened and he could tell everyone apart by their walking pattern. Niki had a quicker, lighter pace, Tubbo had a slightly goofy pace due to his limp and hooves, whereas Quackity and Sapnap had heavier footsteps and slower paces. Tommy sighed as he thought of what had happened that night, the night L'Manburg was blown up for the last time. The boy stiffened as he heard an unfamiliar set of footsteps approaching where he lay, but he instantly relaxed when the person uttered his name, "Tommy...?" It was Sam. Tommy grunted softly, letting Sam know he acknowledged his presence. He heard the footsteps come closer, "I hope you've been doing good, I'm sorry I couldn't have visited sooner, but duty calls, heh," the tall man stated, gently ruffling Tommy's hair and causing him to let out a joyful hum. "I've been thinking, since you won't be in tip top shape once you can leave, where are you gonna go? Is anyone going to help you?" Sam asked, causing Tommy to let out an annoyed grunt and shaking his head slightly, "I was thinking, would you like to stay with me...? I know we haven't talked much at all, but I would like to help out." Tommy considered this for a moment before shrugging. Sam sighed and gently rested a hand on Tommy's shoulder, "I'll come back some other time, you think about it."

Over the next few weeks, Tommy was visited by a lot of people, mainly Tubbo and Sam though. But Sam didn't come as often as Tubbo of course, but the man did visit, and when he did, he always left Tommy happy. The young man enjoyed Sam's company, he was leaning towards staying with him when he could finally leave. Tommy was due to have the bandages over his eyes completely removed the next day, so he was excited when Sam arrived, he still couldn't properly speak due to the gashes in his throat from the explosions, but he tried so hard to say what he wanted to. Sam always let Tommy do that and he would guess what the young man was saying, either earning some sort of head movement or a series of vocalizations from the boy. Sam enjoyed spending time with Tommy, it felt nice to see Tommy so happy after everything that's been going on.

It was finally time for the bandages to come off his eyes, Tommy was overjoyed, fidgeting every time he heard footsteps coming even remotely close to where he lay. When the time came, he had a hard time sitting still, which caused Niki to scold him multiple times when she almost hit his wounds. When the bandages were off, Tommy squinted, the lights were very bright to his eyes that hadn't seen anything but darkness for the past few weeks. His previously blue eyes were now a mix of gray, blue, and a milky white. He was partially blind. Tommy smiled as he looked around when his eyes began to adjust, he saw three figures in the room, two were masculine, and one was feminine. Tommy made a quiet whine like noise as he looked at Niki, mentally saying her name, he then looked towards the other two figures, trying to make out who they were. "Hey Tommy... It's been a while since you've seen me." Tubbo. Tommy smiled, closing his eyes again before looking at the other person. He was tall and muscular, from what Tommy could see he had fluffy hair and wore a mask. Sam? Tommy squinted, not being able to properly see who it was, "Tommy, it's Sam." He finally spoke up, causing Tommy to relax, humming softly. Everything was hard to make out in this newly bright world, some colors were missing, some things looked overly distorted, and other things looked so similar, that Tommy couldn't tell them apart. But the others were there to help him.

"Tommy, you're going to be able to leave here shortly, have you made your decision?" Sam asked, looking at the boy, who nodded and smiled. "Alright, what's your decision? You gonna stay with me? Someone else?" Tommy slowly but surely raised his hand and pointed to Sam, smiling. "Alright! I'll get a room all set up for you! You'll have your own bathroom, closet, mini fridge, and whatever else you need! I can try to get your wants too." He said, laughing as he watched Tommy smile. "And me...?" A quiet voice was heard behind Sam, who turned to see Tubbo standing in the doorway, his small horns being more prominent than normal and his ears laid flat. Tommy whined, remembering his best friend had nowhere to go either and he didn't want to abandon his friend. Sam smiled, "You can come too, Tubbo. I'll let you have your own room as well, I'll get you everything you need." At that, Tommy let out another whine, causing the pair to look at him, Tommy pointed to Tubbo and then himself, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "You want Tubbo...?" Sam asked, confused. Tommy shook his head. "You want to share a room with me?" Tubbo asked, Tommy nodded vigorously. Tubbo smiled, they thought alike and always knew what the other meant. The rest of the day, Tommy and Tubbo hung out, Tubbo even changing Tommy's bandages when needed, the two enjoyed each other's company.

After a few more days, Tommy could leave. Sam wheeled the boy to his base, Tubbo close behind, and they got everything settled. Everything was good again, Tommy was healing quickly, his wounds becoming scars, Tubbo changed his bandages and helped Sam out, and Sam took care of them. It was nice.

I wrote this over 2 nights. Both times I was writing I was tired. Please excuse loopholes and mistakes, thank you <3
Part two coming soon??

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