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Warning: descriptions of horror and blood, same as last time.
☆ The Wolf and The Ram part 2 ☆


The canine like beast huffed, sniffing around the base of the window where its target resided, the faint scent of honey mixed with ginger and hints of vanilla wafted from the window above its head. The creature peeled its lips back in an almost sinister looking smile as it climbed up to the window in the dead of night. The beast easily opened the unlocked window and crawled inside, creeping over to the bed where the bee loving boy resided, fast asleep. The creature sniffed the boy's hair, sending puffs of hot air into it and waking him up, when the boy realized what was happening, he froze, the scent of fear coming from him in waves. The canine flicked an ear and slowly reached a clawed handpaw forward, caressing the boy's cheek gently and wagging its tail, it then made an effort to smile before nuzzling the boy and making him laugh. "Wh-What're you do-doing??" Tubbo giggled as the beast nuzzled him. The creature pulled away and seemingly smiled before half growling - half saying "Tubbo... Fr-friend... To...mmy...." Tubbo's eyes widened slightly, before he gently reached towards the canine's face, "Tommy...?" The creature nodded sadly, leaning into the boy's touch.  Tubbo frowned, basically petting Tommy's head, "What're we going to do...?" Before there was any sort of reply, Tubbo's bedroom door opened to reveal a tired Wilbur, who stiffened at the sight of the gangly canine beast standing over Tubbo's bed. But the man's fear quickly turned to anger as he grabbed the nearest object to him, which happened to be a TV remote, and threw it at Tommy, smacking him in the muzzle and causing him to growl, running out the window once more. "Tubbo, are you ok?!" Wilbur asked, rushing over to the boy, who held his head in his hands. "Y-you- You dimwit! That was Tommy!" Tubbo basically barked, harshly shoving Wilbur away from him and hopping out of bed. The boy threw a few things into a backpack before shoving past Wilbur, who was standing by the door, shocked by the shorter boy's reaction. Tubbo quickly left the house and followed the trail of paw prints that were left in the soft dirt.

When the boy reached a cave, he stopped, "Tommy...?" He called out tentatively, taking a small step forward. The canine like beast slunk forward on all fours, going over to Tubbo and nuzzling him gently, tail wagging. Tubbo giggled before hugging his friend, "I'm going to figure out how to help you."


Sorry for this one being so short. I may discontinue this short mini series since this was originally based off of a comfort AU I made for myself, but this has a completely different story now and I can't come up with much at the moment.
So uh, TL;DR for the comfort AU:
Tommy's a werewolf and can't shift back to human form, so Tubbo tries to help him out, occasionally getting hurt along the way, but brushing it off quickly, so on and so forth. Pretty simple ngl

I still have writer's block and irl isn't helping out, so please bear with me and my very infrequent updates.

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