And you...

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TW: severe wounds, descriptions of said wounds, partial blindness, scars, descriptions of said scars, paranoia, slight panic attack?, did I miss anything?


For the past month, Tommy and Tubbo had been living with Sam, things were peaceful for the three, everything was nice. Tubbo had begun to help Tommy with learning how to walk again, and Tommy was working on his speech when nobody was around, he was making good progress. Sure Tommy's old wounds would occasionally open back up and bleed, but it wasn't as bad as it used to be. Tommy's previously seared skin was now almost healed, it was turning into a massive scar that covered most of the right side of his body, the wounds had been severe, but he managed to heal. He was now a smiling mess as Tubbo was talking about today's adventures, explaining how he totally didn't steal some of Techno's golden apples for his best friend and how he had fallen into a sand pit and almost got caught. Tommy was holding a golden apple in his hand as his best friend told the story, occasionally taking a bite or two and smiling, everything was nice. An hour later, the two had fallen asleep on the couch, Tommy resting his head on Tubbo's shoulder, and Tubbo resting his head on Tommy's.

After a few days, Tommy had begun to walk more, of course with help, but he was making good progress. His partial blindness caused him to occasionally flinch backwards since it created illusions for the boy, but Sam and Tubbo helped him work through it. Tommy grunted as Tubbo accidentally touched one of his more sensitive scars, which caused the shorter blonde to apologize profusely before getting a soft smile from Tommy, which told Tubbo 'it's fine, you didn't mean to.' The boys continued to move around the room, Tommy focusing on putting one foot in front of the other while Tubbo helped to hold him up and keep him steady, Tommy scowled as his right leg almost gave out, but Tubbo was there to support him. "You're doing great, Tommy! This is the longest you've walked yet!!" At that, Tommy smiled and continued to stumble along, hoping to set a new record. After a few more minutes of this, Tommy needed a break, so the pair sat down and Tommy hummed, making a decision. The taller blonde tapped his friend and pointed to the door, "You want to go outside...?" Tubbo asked, causing Tommy to nod vigorously. "Alright, you sit here while I go get Sam!" Tubbo exclaimed excitedly before hopping up and racing out of the door. Tommy smiled, humming softly and saying in a very low and broken voice, "thn-k ou."

A short while later, Tubbo returned with Sam, who was wearing his Warden armor and sporting a new and shinier trident. "Alright Toms, let's get you outside." The older male said, the smile evident in his voice. With Tubbo on one side and Sam on the other, Tommy began to slowly and carefully make his way down the stairs by the door, occasionally stumbling, but being caught by either of his friends. When they finally reached open ground, Tubbo ran back inside and grabbed Tommy's crutch-like supporters that helped him stay steady. Tommy smiled and as soon as Tubbo gave him the supporters, he began to stagger around, Tubbo right beside him, and Sam keeping an eye out for any danger. The trio ended up staying out until it began to get dark. "Tommy, you look tired, you should get back inside and go to bed." Tubbo observed, his voice slightly worried but mainly caring. Tommy shook his head and grunted, slowly sitting himself down on a log and pointing at the stars. "Tubbo, he wants to look at the stars tonight," Sam said, sitting beside the blonde haired teen, who smiled and leaned against the taller man ever so slightly. Tubbo sat on the other side of Tommy, linking arms with him. They watched the stars that night, eventually all falling asleep, luckily no mobs crept up on them whilst they slept and nobody tried to harm them. The next morning, Sam gently shook Tommy and Tubbo awake before bringing them back inside so he could go to the prison to do his job. Tommy went inside with no problems, but Tubbo was still tired, so he put up a bit of a fuss. Sam left Tubbo after tucking him in bed and ruffling his hair gently, he then turned to Tommy, who was sitting on the couch, and gave him a gentle hug, "Be safe while I'm gone, Tubbo probably won't be up for a while so please don't do anything dumb." Tommy nodded vigorously, smiling brightly, which Sam returned before waving and walking out the door. Tommy slowly stretched his arms, the one that had been severely burned still hurt when he stretched, well, any part of him that was burned hurt. He winced slightly before laying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling, he traced the patterns with his eyes until he saw a few little red vines. Tommy sat up slowly, a bit nervous. What are the vines? Where did they come from? Are they bad? Tommy whined quietly before grabbing one of his stabilizers and slowly making his way over to Tubbo and gently shook him awake, making urgent noises, hoping to wake his friend quickly. Tubbo eventually came to and saw how panicked Tommy looked, he sat up quickly, "Tommy, what's wrong???" Tommy turned and pointed to the vines, letting out a soft whine. Tubbo frowned, "I need to go get Sam. How long have I been out?" Tommy raised a hand and signalled a 2, "Two minutes??" Tommy nodded. Tubbo sighed and got out of the bed, "Tommy, let me help you back to the couch, you could have fallen." Tubbo said worriedly helping his best friend get back to the couch. "I'll be right back, if the vines move, get away from them if you can, they're dangerous." Tommy nodded, glancing at the vines before scooting to the farthest edge of the couch. Tubbo quickly threw on a coat and bolted out of the door, leaving Tommy very much alone. "Ths... sc-ry...?" Tommy tried to scoff, but it came off more of a question then a scoff. The blonde sat tight as he waited for his friend to return with his guardian, it was quiet in the house, the silence began to drill at him, making him paranoid.

When Sam burst through the door with Tubbo, Tommy was slumped over on the couch, covering his ears and whining. "Tommy?!" Tubbo raced over to him and held his hands, Tommy whined and looked Tubbo in the eyes, tears slipping down his cheeks. "It's the vines. Tubbo, get him outside." Sam ordered before producing soul soil and a flint and steel from his inventory. Tubbo helped Tommy stand and they slowly made their way outside and down the stairs, to the log they sat on last night. "It's ok, Tommy, we're here, you're safe." Tubbo reassured, not one hundred percent sure what Tommy was going through. Tommy nodded, hugging his friend. "I-I love you, man." Tubbo said softly, hugging him back, "You're the best friend anyone could ask for." Tommy sniffled and replied, "An-d... Y- Y-ou."


Aha! Finally finished! You can expect a part three which I will work on in the meantime. I'm taking a short break from my other book since I don't want it to seem rushed. Again, this was written when I was tired or when I just woke up, if you see any spelling mistakes, let me know!

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