Night Time Blues

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TW: bad thoughts, suicidal thoughts,


Tommy was sitting up in bed, his head in his hands as so many thoughts swirled through his head. He was so tired, he was so worn out, yet he could never get a break, the thoughts wouldn't let him. The boy sighed as he slipped out of bed, trudging into the kitchen quietly. Luckily, Sam always left the light on all night, so Tommy didn't have to worry about a light source. The boy walked over to the cupboards and opened one, standing on the tips of his toes to reach a mug that was pushed further back on the top shelf, after he grabbed it, he set it on the counter. Tommy then walked across the small kitchen and bent down, accessing the box of hot chocolate packets and grabbing one and a half that was laying in the box. The teen rubbed his eyes before filling the cup most of the way up with water and dumping one packet into it, stirring it up a bit before pouring the half packet in and stirring it up as well, he then turned and put it in the microwave for two minutes and thirty seconds. Tommy sat on the counter, absentmindedly swinging his legs as the thoughts came back. 'What if I had died? Wouldn't everyone be happier without me?' 'Why do people avoid me?' 'Am I that bad?' Various thoughts went through the teen's head as he wiped away the few tears that fell and gripped the sides of his head. The boy was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice the microwave had reach one second and it beeped loudly, pulling him out of his trance. Tommy quickly and quietly dashed over to the microwave and opened it, taking the cup of hot chocolate out and stirring it up again. When he was sure it was good enough, he took a few sips, still nervous that he had woken someone up. Tommy then made his way to the couch, sitting down and enjoying his hot chocolate in the dim light that came from the kitchen. The boy finished his hot chocolate and went back into the kitchen to wash out his cup, but he stopped dead in the doorway, his eyes widening slightly. Sam was standing there with Tubbo, giving the younger boy a hug, Tommy noticed that Tubbo was crying and he decided to take a few steps forward. Sam noticed Tommy and smiled sadly before pulling out of Tubbo's tight hug, "Hey bud, Tommy's up too, don't feel bad, you didn't wake us up, right Toms?" Sam glanced over to Tommy, who nodded, "Yeah," Tubbo sniffed a few more times before walking over to Tommy and hugging him. "Please don't leave." The shorted boy sniffed, burying his head in Tommy's shoulder. Tommy hugged him back tightly, "I- Why would I ever leave you?" Tubbo didn't reply, he just hugged Tommy tighter. "How about we go and watch a few movies?" Tommy suggested, looking to Sam for approval. The older man nodded, taking care of Tommy's mug for him. Tommy then picked up Tubbo and carried him to the couch, setting him down and covering him with a blanket, "Which movie do you wanna watch?" He started off with a single question. "Could we wa-watch...  Avengers: End Game...?" Tubbo asked softly. Tommy nodded, "Of course! Would you like pop and popcorn too?" "Please." Hearing that, Sam started some popcorn and grabbed two cans of Coke from the fridge, getting everything ready for the boys. After the popcorn was ready, Sam went and got a few more blankets for the duo since the house was colder at night, he handed them the drinks and popcorn before covering them up, "If you guys need anything, let me know, I'll be in my room." Tommy and Tubbo both nodded and said thank you before turning their attention to the movie.

About an hour into the movie, Tommy had to go to the bathroom, so he let Tubbo know before he got out from under the warm blankets and made his way to the bathroom. When he was nearly there, he overheard Sam talking to someone, he sounded worried, which was never good. Though he knew it was wrong, Tommy listened to what Sam was saying. "I would do anything for those boys, it can't possibly be that bad..." after a few more moments Sam's voice rose slightly, "Techno, coming to kill Tommy? There's no way in hell he'll even make it onto the property, I won't let him." Tommy was now worried as well, gripping onto the bottom of his shirt. "Alright I'l-" Sam cut off as he emerged into the hallway, seeing Tommy. "Hang on, I'll call you back." The older man said before hanging up and looking Tommy in the eyes. "What did you hear?" Tommy fidgeted slightly, "E-Everything... Is it true Techno is coming to... kill me?" Sam sighed, "As far as we know, yes. But I won't let him harm you or Tubbo, you're both safe with me. I will do anything, and I mean anything to keep you two safe." Tommy nodded before quickly heading into the bathroom, leaving Sam in the hallway by himself. When Tommy came out of the bathroom, Sam's bedroom door was shut, so the teen kept walking, not knowing what to think anymore. 'You're going to die.' 'Haha loser.' 'You're better off dead.' Thoughts began to swirl through his head again as he silently sat beside Tubbo on the couch, mainly leaning away from his friend, who noticed the look on Tommy's face and paused the movie, "Are you ok...?" Tubbo asked quietly, Tommy shook his head, "I'm going to die, Tubbo. Techno, my own bro- my old friend is going to kill me..." Tubbo frowned, "I won't let that happen to you!" Tommy sniffed, "B-but..." "Sam won't let it happen either! Half the people around here love you, they won't let anything happen to you!!" Tubbo cut him off, hugging him. Tommy began to sob softly, "But... what if you all killed trying to protect me...?" Tubbo opened his mouth to say something, but the world around Tommy began to fade, the boy looked around in confusion until he realized he was still under the covers on the couch, Tubbo sleeping next to him, and the end credits of the movie playing in the background. It had been a dream, a very awful dream. Tommy sighed and scooted closer to Tubbo, resting his head on his friend's shoulder and eventually falling asleep.

They're platonic soulmates, your honor.

Anyways, I did have a good idea for this one, and then aha new idea that turned bad happened after I had to go do stuff. So yeah, enjoy. Hopefully I'll update this again tonight, who knows. Too busy to edit, so please excuse spelling mistakes (:

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