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TW // death, depression, thoughts of suicide


Tubbo frowned, placing the bouquet of flowers at the foot of the monument to his friend. Well, the monument to him and his friend. Tubbo looked up at the monument, a stone version of himself and Tommy stood there, holding the discs to the sky, he smiled sadly as he read the plaque. "To the ones who never made it back home. TommyInnit 20XX - 2021" Tubbo turned away from the monument and headed towards Tommy's old house, which was basically destroyed. He sighed and got out some dirt to repair it, restore it to its former glory. Tubbo decided to go through Tommy's chests first, to make sure nothing would get destroyed. He opened the first few chests, only finding miscellaneous items such as string, redstone, and stone. When Tubbo opened the chest against the far left wall, he found a book, one of Ranboo's books.
                What Happened To Tommy

Tubbo opened the book and began to read it,

Day one:
☆ Tommy arrived in exile.
☆ Dream blew up all of his stuff and left.
☆ Ghostbur created Logstedshire

Day two:
☆ Dream came back.
☆ Dream blew up everything Tommy had gotten.
☆ Dream left.

Tubbo flipped through the pages, reading everything,

Day seventeen:
☆ Tommy talked about killing himself, I cannot interfere.
☆ Tommy went into the nether.
☆ He came back almost an hour later, mumbling about suicide.
☆ Tommy went to sleep.

Day twenty:
☆ Tommy almost killed himself.
☆ Tommy is not happy.
☆ When Dream comes he blows up Tommy's stuff.

Tubbo shuddered as he read the journal, tears forming in his eyes as he learned of the horrors Tommy experienced. Tubbo finished reading the journal and clenched his fists, he then went to find Ranboo.

When Tubbo found Ranboo, the half enderman was sitting under a tree with a fox laying at his side sleeping peacefully. "Hey, Ranboo...?" Tubbo asked, walking over to him. Ranboo tilted his head, "Yeah?" "Is- is this stuff true...?" Tubbo asked, handing the journal to Ranboo, who took it and started to read it. "Y-yeah... I had one of my... friends... keep an eye on Tommy and report back to me so I could visit him when he needed it, but uh, you and the others kept me kind of busy..." Tubbo sighed, rubbing his face, "Why didn't you tell me?" Ranboo frowned, "I forgot..." "It- It's fine." Tubbo said, turning to walk away, "Wait, Tubbo-" Ranboo started, slowly standing up, trying not to wake the fox. Tubbo turned to him, he was clearly stressed, "I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyways..." Tubbo frowned, nodding, "As I said... it's fine..." Ranboo took a few steps towards Tubbo and hugged him gently, the smaller boy beginning to sob slightly. Ranboo frowned and rubbed Tubbo's back, "I'm sorry..."

Hours later, Tubbo was back to working on fixing up Tommy's old house, Ranboo had been gather grass blocks for him and other various materials. Tubbo sighed as he put the door in place, grabbing another dirt block from Ranboo and fitting it in place. The two stepped back to admire their handiwork, it looked nice, almost exactly how it used to. "Now for the inside?" Ranboo asked quietly, Tubbo nodded, heading inside, Ranboo followed him hesitantly, ducking to get in the doorway. The half enderman and boy began to fix up the inside, replace old chests, fix up the back room and place a bed. Tubbo sighed when they finished, "It's missing something..." he mused partially to himself. "What about a jukebox?" Ranboo asked. "Yeah! Thanks for reminding me!" Tubbo exclaimed, a small smile forming on his face. Ranboo crafted a jukebox and handed it to Tubbo, who put it in the back room next to the bed. "I have an idea! I'll be right back." Ranboo said, ducking out of the house and heading off, leaving Tubbo to fix up small things. When Ranboo returned, he held a few items, which he brought into the back room, Tubbo followed him curiously. Ranboo put up two item frames above the bed and placed a disc in each of them, Cat and Mellohi. Tubbo's eyes widened slightly, "These aren't the real discs... but I've had them for a while and I think they look nice." Ranboo said, smiling slightly. Tubbo nodded, reading the names of the discs, which had been changed. From left to right the discs read "The proof that" "Friendship exists" Tubbo turned to Ranboo, smiling sadly, "They look great." Ranboo smiled and wrapped his arms around Tubbo, comforting his friend. "Tommy would have loved it." Tubbo said, his words muffled by Ranboo's suit. Ranboo nodded in agreement, smiling, glad he did something nice.

Days later, Tubbo had headed to the monument once more, sitting down beside it. "Life's been tough without you, Big T." He said softly, holding his Your Tommy compass. The needle of the compass spun around in sporadic circles, Tubbo watched it slowly come to a halt, making him look up, confused as to why the compass was pointing towards him. Of course, nothing was in front of him besides the landscape, so Tubbo looked behind him, standing up, the compass still pointed towards him. Tubbo frowned slightly until he realized.

Loved ones will always live on in the hearts of those who loved them most.

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