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TW: mentions of past events/spoilers?


Tommy was walking around a vast field, picking flowers for his best friend's birthday present. Tommy was planning on making a giant bouquet of flowers and using it to attract bees as well, he would give it to his friend along with the key to a treehouse he had built. Tommy was excited to give Tubbo the present, but he still had much work to do before Tubbo's birthday celebration. The teen was bending over to pick an unusual green flower when he felt something nudge his arm, the blonde turned his head and saw a pretty brown and white cow standing there. Tommy scowled slightly, a bit mad at being interrupted, so he continued his work. The cow would follow him wherever he went in the field, if he went by a small pond, the cow would follow, if he went near the edge of a ravine, the cow would follow. Tommy eventually gave in and pet the cow, causing it to close its eyes happily and nuzzle him. The boy smiled at that, petting the cow more until it backed away and gently pulled up a few flowers, nudging them into the boy's hands, "You want to help me pick flowers...?" Tommy asked, the cow seemingly smiled and gently got a few more flowers. Tommy laughed, this cow kind of reminded him of his late cow, Henry. The cow helped the boy pick flowers for the next few hours, occasionally stopping to get a drink or ward off any dangerous mobs, which Tommy found surprising, but didn't complain about. After a while, Tommy sat under a tree, the cow joining him calmly, the boy smiled and gently pet the cow for a bit before putting a flower behind its ear. "What do I call you...?" Tommy wondered aloud, giving the cow a quizzical look. The cow rested its head on Tommy's lap gently, enjoying his company, Tommy pet the cow more, brainstorming names. As the boy sat there, the cow cuddled up with him more, being mindful of its small horns that could hurt the boy as well. "How about I name you... Little Buddy?" The cow seemed to nod, giving the boy the answer he needed. "Alright, Lil' Buddy, we'll get back to work in a bit!" The duo sat there for a while, enjoying the view and each other's company, but Tommy eventually had to continue picking flowers, so they both got up and continued to work.

As night fell, Tommy had a few basketfuls of flowers, which he carefully tied onto Little Buddy before they made their way home. When they reached where Tommy lived, the boy unhooked the baskets of flowers and took them inside before putting Little Buddy in an empty barn stall. Tommy kissed him good night and headed into his house, before surprisingly coming back out a few minutes later with some blankets. The tall boy entered the stall with the cow, who was already laying down, and set up a spot for himself to sleep next to the cow on a pile of straw. The two eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.


Mmmmm I love cows.
Anyways, I had an idea of what I wanted to write last night, but I was too tired to continue, so I picked it up again tonight and completely forgot my idea haha. Don't beat me up for the cow's name, I named it after one of my cows, Little Buddy (who isn't so little anymore lmao). Yeah, I have cows, they're really cool (:
I hope you guys enjoyed this shorter and not so great chapter. I probably won't upload for a while, so uh, take some art I did today! (:

Lil Ranboo icon in a new style that I really like! If you want to use it as a profile picture or something, go ahead! Just please credit me! (You can just call me Retr0Ravenz for credit if you want)

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Lil Ranboo icon in a new style that I really like! If you want to use it as a profile picture or something, go ahead! Just please credit me! (You can just call me Retr0Ravenz for credit if you want).
Have a great day/night!

Tommyinnit + Tubbo oneshots (NO SHIPPING!)Where stories live. Discover now