When you need a friend

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Warnings: (some of you guys may be sensitive to some of these topics, that's why I'm putting these specific warnings, otherwise I wouldn't use them) tourette's, tics, slight bullying/degradation, fluff

☆ this is *partially* based off of a fanfic I read whilst stuck down the Wattpad rabbithole ☆

♡ this one will be short and sweet since I know little to nothing about some things and writer's block has hit hard ♡


Tubbo always had tics, his head occasionally jerking to the side violently or clicks and whistles would escape from his mouth. He didn't mean to do these things, he couldn't help it. Tubbo was always left out when it came to things, he was treated differently as well, he wanted to be treated normally, he didn't want to be viewed as a monster for something he couldn't control. The boy currently sat at a picnic table far away from anyone else, rapidly tapping his fingers on the rough plastic while slowly chewing a bite of his sandwich. He sighed before he quickly shrugged, his head also twitching to the side quickly, though he continued on as if it were any other day. "Hey tick boy." An all too familiar voice came from behind him, full of malice. Tubbo frowned and nervously fidgeted, his tics becoming more frequent. "What 'cha got there? A tick sandwich?" The kid said in a taunting tone, walking around the table to face Tubbo, whose head jerked to the side in a quick motion "n-ngh-no, you kn-know thA-cc-at." The boy made a few clicks with his tongue unintentionally, causing the kid in front of him to laugh. Tubbo frowned and looked down at his half eaten sandwich, he was no longer hungry, "Please just le-EA-ve me al-lONe." Tubbo helplessly struggled with his speech, only making the kid laugh more. The kid walked behind Tubbo and yanked him off the picnic table seat, staring down as the boy laid there, clicking a few times before falling silent once more. The kid standing over Tubbo was about to do something when another young boy ran over and shoved the kid to the ground, "Leave 'im alone, dickhead!" Tubbo gasped quietly at the other boy's use of words, but mainly stayed silent, violently shrugging or twitching his head. The kid who was now on the ground began to cry, they weren't tough enough to fight back. The boy who came to Tubbo's aid turned to said boy and reached a hand down to him, "Let me help you up." Tubbo took his hand gladly, smiling slightly. "The name's Tommy," the boy said, he had fluffy blonde hair and wore a simple red sleeved white tshirt, tan jeans, and scuffed white shoes. "Nice to m-meet you Tommy, I'm Tubb-O." The boy looked away after struggling to talk, his tics became worse after that whole ordeal happened. Tommy smiled, "Nice to meet you Tubbo, do you mind if I sit with you?" "No, not at a-AAall." Tubbo twitched his shoulders again, letting out a small whistle before sitting back down quietly. Tommy sat beside him, "So, if you don't mind of course, could you tell me what's up with your... tics?" The blonde tread carefully around each word, trying to be nice about it. Tubbo nodded, "I have Tourette's, it causes me to-AAH- have tics... It's quite embarra-" he clicked his tongue a few times before continuing, "-ssing." Tommy nodded, smiling softly, "well, I think it's something only the strongest of people can handle!" Tubbo laughed, smiling brightly. The two continued their conversation until Tubbo had to return home, Tommy was the first person outside of his immediate family to ignore his tics and be patient with him, it made him happy. The two exchanged numbers before leaving the park and heading their separate ways.

It had now been three years and those two were inseparable, Tommy would invite Tubbo over, who happily came and spent time with his best friend. On bad tic days, Tommy would sit on the couch with Tubbo, the latter resting in his friend's lap, Tommy's head resting on top of his own. It helped Tubbo calm down and relax, it helped him feel ok. Of course this wasn't romantic or anything, but it made Tubbo feel safe when Tommy held him like that, messing with his hair as they lazily sat on the couch watching movies all day until it was time for Tubbo to head home. Tommy was always there when Tubbo needed him, when the tics were so bad, Tommy was there, when Tubbo pulled a muscle due to his tics, Tommy was there, when Tubbo got scolded in public for accidentally swearing, Tommy was there, standing up for his friend. Tommy even looked more into Tourette's so he could help Tubbo the best he could.

"T-TOmmY?" Tubbo asked softly, nestled in Tommy's arms. "Hm?" The blonde inquired quietly, trying not to be too loud. "Th-An-woo! Thank you fOr... being my frIENd." Tubbo mentally cursed himself, hitting his head with his hand and then complaining about it. Tommy gently removed his hand from his head, "Anytime Tubbzo." He said softly, ruffling his friend's hair. At this moment, Tubbo didn't care about all the nasty things he had been called, all the mean things said to him, or the horrible things done to him by people in the past, he just lived in the moment with his best friend. "Love you." Tubbo murmured softly before his shoulder moved quickly, hitting Tommy square in the jaw. "S-SOR-woo! Sorry!" Tubbo exclaimed, worry clouding his face as he turned to look at his friend. Tommy just gently rubbed his jaw, "I'm fine." He replied, pulling Tubbo back into his arms. "And I love you too, thank you for being my friend." Tubbo smiled, trying to forget the small incident. The two sat there in content for the rest of the day, and eventually fell asleep, Tommy sprawled across the couch with Tubbo tucked beside him, facing the back of the couch.


Sorry this is such a bad chapter, as stated before, I have writer's block that I'm trying to work through. I've never written about anything like Tourette's before either, this is technically practice, so please forgive my mistakes and lack of information on some things.

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