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Warnings: sad vibes, depressive themes, mini spoilers?? (Not on purpose spoilers for lore!), angst

Skyrim × Minecraft (:


Walking... ever, forever walking... that's all I do anymore...

The blonde huffed, dragging his feet as he walked, his goat like ears twitching whenever a gust of wind hit them an odd way. The boy stopped beside a tree, his blue eyes scanning its tall branches momentarily before he reached out and grabbed one, pulling himself up. His hoof like hands and unnatural agility helped the boy climb through the branches of the tree and reach the top. The boy's ear flicked as he looked around, spotting a small village in the direction he had been heading. After he looked around a bit more, the boy descended from the tree and made his way to the village, where he bought food and supplies before purchasing a room at the local inn and getting some rest.

The next day, the boy awoke and hopped out of the bed, leaving the inn and going to purchase more food before heading out once more. When the boy saw how much the prices rose, he scowled before reaching into his pockets to find he only had two septims left. Great, that's not even enough to buy seeds... the boy thought, frowning and sneaking around the multiple stands and snatching a few goods before making his way toward the town exit. He was about to wave goodbye to the local priest when he was stopped by a trident thudding into the ground in front of him, missing him by mere inches. Letting out a small yelp, the boy jumped back, running into something... metallic...? The boy spun around to see an unusually tall creeper hybrid standing before him, adorned in netherite enforced Daedric armor with gold detailing, a crown, and an intimidating mask almost resembling that of a dragon priest. The boy dropped his goods, shivers of fear finding their way up his spine as he stood frozen in place. The creeper hybrid eyed the boy for a few moments before speaking, his voice deep and rugged, "Smart choice, dropping the stolen goods, but I'm afraid you'll still have to come with me." In moments, the boy was being lead by the creeper hybrid to a massive prison not far from the village.

When the two reached the prison, the creeper hybrid brought the boy inside and put him in a holding cell before grabbing a few things and taking a seat in front of the cell door. The larger male cleared his throat slightly before speaking, "I'm the warden of this prison, you can call me Sam. You are to stay in this cell for a maximum of seven to eight days, depending on the minuscule crime you committed," he paused momentarily, fastening his trident onto his back. "This is all procedure, so bear with me. You are to state your name and place of origin before the day is done, if you do not then the information will be forcefully extracted from you, and trust me, you don't want that. The guards within this prison are few, but that does not make your chances of escape any better, this prison is the best in the province, most secure. It houses many inmates, some have committed a minuscule crime such as yourself or a crime such as murder, high treason, or something to that degree." Sam looked at the boy for a few moments before asking, "What is your name and where are you from?" The blonde stayed quiet for a few moments before talking quietly, "My name is Tubbo. The place I came from is gone. L'Manbur. Similar to an Orc stronghold but far west from here, past Whitestag and to the far, far left of High Star. Dragon attack." Sam frowned, opening his mouth to speak but closing it again when Tubbo spoke, "I lost everything and everyone. As far as I know, I'm the only one who survived." Sam frowned, and before he could say anything, another voice piped up, "No wonder ya'd become a criminal, losin' ev'rythin' and ev'ryone close to ya." Tubbo heard a deep sigh escape from Sam as the warden turned to eye a shorter skinny male with dark, almost black, hair. "Quackity will you quit it? Why do you always do this?" Sam nearly hissed, causing the male behind bars to burst out into obnoxious laughter. Sam then turned back to Tubbo, letting out a huff of air, "Ignore him, he likes to mess with the new inmates." Tubbo looked at the floor, not replying. "Aww, cheer up, kid! You're gonna be here for a while!" Quackity chirped from across the hall, earning a glare from Sam which shut him up quickly. Sam looked at Tubbo, a sympathetic light in his gaze, "Would you like a job here? It'll give you a place to stay, food and water, and extra money for things you may need or want... I know it's abrupt, but you're still a kid and deserve to live a good life, not a life of crime."


BOOGIE WOOGIE TERRIBLY SORRY IF YOU WERE ENJOYING THIS! I lost interest in this about a week ago, I won't be continuing it, sorry. Just gonna post these 2 chapters that I wrote throughout my hiatus so far before disappearing again. Have a great day/night and stay safe 💖

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