Partners in Crime ~ part 2 ~

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Warnings: platonic fluff


Tommy yawned, looking around Tubbo's room before shifting around in bed so he was facing the window. Early morning light filtered in through the thin curtains, proving that it was in fact late morning and not early morning like it had been last time he woke. The blonde sighed before nudging Tubbo's legs, which were next to him since they had slept at opposite ends of the bed. Tubbo groaned before slowly opening his eyes, "Huh?" He asked groggily, his face scrunched up in annoyance and confusion. Tommy smiled, "It's time to get up. I'm hungry." At that, Tubbo rolled his eyes and moved so his legs were dangling off the bed and he was sitting upright, Tommy just hopped off the bed and stretched, his arms nearly reaching the ceiling. Tubbo hummed softly, standing up and quickly pulling on the hoodie he wore in the morning before heading out his bedroom door with Tommy following close behind. When the duo made it to the kitchen, they were greeted by Schlatt quietly drinking a cup of coffee and munching on half burned toast. "You look like a half dead rat." The ram horned male noted, looking at Tommy, who rolled his eyes, "Did you enjoy your make out session with my brother?" He half heartedly joked, opening the fridge and grabbing a can of pop as Schlatt fell silent. Tubbo laughed softly at that, Tommy was one of the only people who could make Schlatt fall silent like that, along with the aforementioned dark caramel haired brit. Tommy and Schlatt normally joked like this, the fiesty teen normally attacking the ram's friendship with his older brother and the ram going for whatever he could at the time being.

After breakfast, Tommy and Tubbo sat on the couch, Tubbo half sitting in Tommy's lap, eyes trained on the television while the blonde absentmindedly eyed with his hair, bringing his fingers gently through the dark locks that mainly concealed his small horns. Tubbo sighed in content, smiling as he thought of some of their adventures, like the time they created a small town with the help of Wilbur named Logstedshire, or the time they played with Wilbur and Schlatt, creating the fictional country L'Manburg and having Wil destroy it in the very end. Another time he thought of is when they got lost in the woods for hours, eventually getting found by his dad and Schlatt, it seemed like so long ago... Tubbo nestled closer to Tommy, enjoying the time they spent together. Tommy stopped messing with Tubbo's hair and draped his arms around the smaller boy, resting his head on top of the other's. "Thank you for being my friend, Tommy." Tubbo murmured, gently grabbing Tommy's arms. "Thank you for being my friend." Tommy replied, squeezing Tubbo in his grip gently. The duo sat there comfortably for a few more hours, watching TV and talking.

Eventually it was time for Tommy to head home, he gave Tubbo a big hug and waved goodbye. "Bye Toms... " "Bye Tubs..." the blonde then walked away from his friend's house and towards his own, remembering something Tubbo had always told him when they were younger;

"Friends always stick together, no matter how far apart they are or how difficult it is for them to meet."


Ignore typos, I'm tired.

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