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Warnings: spoilers??? Tommy in exile, death


Tommy was sitting on a hill overlooking L'Manburg, he hadn't seen L'Manburg properly in a long time. He smiled as he watched a few people walking around, doing normal things. Tommy then sighed and looked down at his hands, which were transparent. I wonder if they miss me... would they even talk to me...? He thought, looking back over towards L'Manburg. He WAS a ghost now, so he could easily go and visit anyone he wanted to, but he was scared. Scared that his friends wouldn't recognize him, couldn't see him, or something silly like that. Tommy shook his head and decided to go into L'Manburg, his pace brisk as he held his head a little higher.

When the blonde reached the edge of the small nation, he paused, not sure who to talk to. Quackity was probably dealing with El Rapids with George and Karl, nobody else was really there besides Tubbo... who was probably busy with something. Tommy frowned before remembering about his pen pal, Ranboo! Tommy smiled and rushed around L'Manburg, searching for his tall friend. He eventually found Ranboo sitting on the edge of one of the path ways built above the water, scribbling down various things in a book. Tommy lightly tapped Ranboo on the shoulder, hoping not to scare him. Ranboo turned his head, expecting to see Tubbo or even Quackity, but who he saw shocked him. It was Tommy, but not the Tommy he was used to. This Tommy was transparent, floaty, a bit blue, and looked a lot more comfortable and relaxed. "Tommy...?" He asked quietly, Tommy nodded, opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Ranboo looked confused as he watched Tommy's mouth move but heard no sound. "I missed you so much Ranboo! I was so lonely!!" Tommy finished, smiling brightly while looking at his friend, he then noticed how confused Ranboo looked. "What's wrong...?" Tommy asked his friend. Ranboo frowned, "Tommy, I don't know what you're saying, stop messing with me." Tommy frowned, "but- but I'm not messing with you!!" He exclaimed, his expression sincere. Ranboo furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before handing a book and quill to Tommy, "Write what you're saying if you're not going to talk." Tommy started scribbling furiously in the book, his gaze determined. Once he was finished, he passed the book to Ranboo, 'Can you not hear me? I'm speaking clearly! I was saying how lonely I was and how much I missed you! I can now come and see you any time!' Ranboo smiled slightly, before looking Tommy in the eyes, "Sorry, I can't hear you.." at that, Tommy frowned, gently taking the book from Ranboo. 'I think I should go... I need to think things over and figure out an easier way to talk :/' Tommy wrote, giving Ranboo the book before turning to leave. "But you only just got here-" Ranboo was saying as he read Tommy's writing, but when he looked up, Tommy was gone.

After leaving Ranboo, Tommy went to find Ghostbur, or as he now called him, 'Blue'. When Tommy found Blue, he smiled, "Blue!! I'm back!!" Blue turned to look at him, the normal tears falling down his face, but a bright smile replaced his usual partial frown. Blue waved, hugging Tommy, "I missed you!! Where have you been for the past... day?" Blue asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, uh... I kind of died... but I'm back now!" Tommy replied, smiling. Blue laughed, "Welcome to the party!" He joked, looking over at Friend, who had an ominous aura around him. "Woah, what's up with your sheep?" Tommy asked, staring at the wooly creature. Blue shrugged, giving Friend a sideways glance before yawning and turning towards the mountains on their right. "Wanna go home?" Blue asked, looking at Tommy, "Yeah, I would like to go home..." he replied, smiling. The two of them headed home, Friend following behind Blue happily.


Sorry for so few updates, I don't have that many ideas or motivation. And yesterday, some things happened that I don't need to spew all over the internet, so yeah, life has been tough. But when I get motivation, I try and write. Also, I'm working on an AU "Monsters Among L'Manburg"! It started out as a comic on my insta, but I asked if I should write out the story or just go along with what I come up with and a lot of people said to write a story. So uh, keep an eye out for that!

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