Late night struggles

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TW: Spoilers?, panic attack?


Tommy sat up in bed, it was currently 11:29 PM. This was the third time he woke up tonight. Tommy groaned and rolled over, he felt awful, his eyes felt heavy yet he wasn't tired. Guess I won't be sleeping tonight. He thought, letting out a noise that sounded like a whine mixed with a groan. The poor boy hadn't been able to properly sleep for some time now, a singular night where he stayed up later then normal since Tubbo unexpectedly stayed over threw his sleep schedule out the window. Tommy rolled over again with a huff, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep, he laid there for what felt like hours with no luck. He sighed and turned on some music, which normally helped him fall asleep, but that didn't work either. Tommy gave up and put his face in his pillow letting out a frustrated sigh, clenching his eyes shut and letting a tear soak into his pillow. Everything that had been happening recently was beginning to catch up with him. Dream being in prison, Sam being so kind to him, the whole thing with the egg, and all the various other adventures he had been on or around. Tommy started to sob softly, his anxiety catching up with his tired mind, he was worn out. Tommy didn't care how loud he was, he didn't care if Fran came in the room and partially got on the bed, he didn't care if it was getting harder for him to breathe with his face in the pillow, he just didn't care, everything was getting to be too much, a kid shouldn't have to go through this stuff. Tommy hiccupped a few times as he bawled his eyes out, it was really hard to breathe, it felt as if he was being choked, he didn't care though, he was too caught up in crying. Moments later he felt a pair of hands turn him over and someone bring him into a hug, rubbing his back softly. Tommy hugged them back and cried into their shoulder, his breathing becoming quicker and more painful. "Hey, Tommy, I'm here, you're ok, just breathe, focus on my voice and breathe." The person was saying, still rubbing the boy's back. Tommy nodded slightly before choking on his saliva and coughing, he began to calm down, began to slow his breathing, began to cry a little less. The person just held him, slowly rocking him back and forth, calming him down slowly and being mindful of the various scars that littered the boy's body and mind. "Tommy, you're safe, Tubbo is safe, we're all ok, nothing is going to happen to you." The person said softly as Tommy sniffed a few times, holding onto them for dear life. When Tommy had calmed down more and was of a more stable mindset, he realized the person he was hugging was Sam, he realized his bedroom light was on, he realized he wasn't alone. Tommy hugged Sam tighter, "Th-thank you." He stuttered out, sniffing a few times. Sam just smiled and hugged him a bit tighter, "There's no need to thank me, Toms. I'll always be here." Tommy hummed softly into Sam's shoulder, thankful for his presence. After a few more minutes of sitting like that, Tommy pulled out of the hug, wiping the tears from his cheeks, "I-I'm sorry for waking you up..." he said, looking down at his bed. Sam shook his head, "Don't be, It's my job to take care of you, so it's what I do." Tommy smiled slightly, "Thank you again." Tommy then pulled Sam into another hug, "I can't sleep." He mumbled, his voice a mix of anger and sleepiness. Sam rubbed his back, "Would you like some hot chocolate? I could make you some. Or we could stay up a bit longer and read? Or whatever else you want?" Tommy sighed happily, "I think a glass of hot chocolate and reading would be nice." Sam laughed softly, smiling as Tommy pulled away from the hug and sleepily grabbed his hand, leading him out to the kitchen. The pair made hot chocolate and then settled on the couch with the book they were reading together, The Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill. After about a half hour, Tommy had passed out on Sam's shoulder, so the older man carefully reached over and turned off the lamp and set the books on the side table, he then pulled the blanket that was already on them up a little more so Tommy would be comfortable. "G'night Toms." He whispered, kissing the boy on the forehead before closing his own eyes and trying to sleep.


Deadass started this at 11:29 PM. Wrote this because I can't sleep. It's now 11:57.
Currently 12:02 AM after editing

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