Tubbo Lost (part 1)

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Warning: missing person, lost in the woods, violence?

☆ gonna use my Canine Crew AU for this one! ☆


Tommy growled in irritation, his large ears laying flat against his skull, "'E's been gone fer a few hours now!!" He barked, looking at Wilbur, who was frowning. "Well, do you think he would run away...? We-" Tommy cut him off, "TUBBO WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHIN' LIKE THAT TO ME! 'E WOULD TELL ME BEFOREHAND!" Tommy's lips were curled in a nasty snarl as he stood in front of Wilbur, straightening his back so he stood almost as tall as his friend. "Tommy, we need to consider all options." Wilbur said calmly, gently pushing Tommy away from him. Tommy just growled, throwing on his netherite armor and looking Wilbur dead in the eye, "I'm going out there to find him. You can't stop me." Wilbur just sighed and let him go, knowing he would stop at nothing to find his friend.

Tubbo was in a small shelter he had built himself in a tree, a few bees surrounded him as well, due to his nice flowery scent he somehow managed to maintain. "I hope no one's worried..." he gave a sideways glance to a dark corner of the little shelter, "wasn't exactly my choice to leave..." a bee landed on his nose, causing him to stop and smile slightly, gently petting the bee with a finger. Tubbo then went back to setting up a bed for himself.

Tommy had hopped on a horse he found and headed out, hoping to pick up a trace of Tubbo's scent or find his trail. It took him hours before he found a dried drop of blood on a bamboo shoot, Tommy hopped off the horse and went over to the drop of blood, catching Tubbo's scent almost instantly. He laid his ears flat and hopped back on the horse, following the faint trail of blood.


AHA! Hello!! Sorry for no updates, stuff irl has been crazy, I had another chapter in the works but I scrapped it since I have no ideas. Please take this bad idea for now, I will try and write more later!
And please forgive any spelling mistakes!

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