a long walk

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TW: depressing themes, mentions of past events, suicidal thoughts, yelling, crying


Tommy sighed, walking alone around Logstedshire, dragging his feet slightly. He didn't know where he was going, but he headed towards the small village in the distance. 'I wonder if they miss me.... Ghostbur hardly stays around anymore... just me... in this Lonesome Town...' Tommy mulled over countless thoughts as he walked, giving little care to the berry bushes snagging on his clothes or the branches that bumped into his head as he walked. 'I wonder if Tubbo misses me... he was so cold when he exiled me... he said the discs don't matter... do WE even matter anymore? Our friendship, is it over?' Tommy scowled as he walked, looking at the ground. He let out a low growl of anger as he walked, his thoughts beginning to overwhelm his tired mind. Tommy eventually stopped at the edge of a ravine he stumbled upon, water and lava flowed throughout the bottom, mingling and avoiding one another simultaneously. Tommy looked down into the ravine, the lava looked so comfortable, so warm, so welcoming. He pondered for a moment, Dream wasn't there to stop him this time. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, but after a few moments, he backed away, letting out the breath and opening his now teary eyes. "Wh-what am I doing...?" He muttered to himself, sitting under a tree, his head in his hands. 'I can't do that to Ghostbur, to Quackity and Fundy, to Tubbo... Dream will ultimately win if I die, I can't let that happen, what if I come back as a ghost and don't remember anyone, anything? What if I don't come back as a ghost? What if they find a way to get me back? What if Dream changes his mind? What if...?' Tommy was now sobbing uncontrollably, his body shaking with each ragged breath he took and every agonizing wail he let out. "WHY CAN'T I JUST BE OK AGAIN?!" He yelled to nobody, scrunching up his face in a snarl before crossing his arms on his knees and burying his face in them, "Why can't everything be ok again...?"

Tommy then sat there like that for a few more hours before heading back to Logstedshire. He grabbed his book he originally named 'how to sex 3' and erased everything from it. Tommy sighed before writing down 'Goodbye' on the top and proceeding to fill four whole pages of the book with writing, he then set it out somewhere where someone would see it. Tommy then walked away from Logstedshire, deeper into the forest.

'To whomever finds this,

I am gone, I have left Logstedshire for a new beginning, a new start. If you are concerned with my whereabouts, I'm going to head towards the village and I will place down cobblestone blocks to mark my way back so if I must return, I may. I am sorry to do this, but I cannot live with the stress and anxiety of being in exile so close to home any longer. If I am every welcomed back to L'Manburg, do not come and find me, I no longer wish to return unless it is by my own choice. Thank you for taking the time to read this, whoever you may be. Please, pass this book onto the people I mention next.
Best regards, Tommy

Quackity and Fundy: thank you for sticking up for me the best you could, thank you for being by my side all those times even when I was in the wrong, thank you for your help. Please pass this book onto the next person I mention.

Philza and Technoblade: I guess I was never thankful to/for you guys and I am truly sorry for that. Thank you for being my family, being there for me, and helping me out. Techno, I guess I should apologize for how mean I was to you, if our paths cross again, I hope to be on better terms. Phil, thank you for everything, I do not deserve your kindness, yet you still help me out when I'm in need, you truly are the best. Love you both, Tommy
Please pass this book onto the next person I mention.

Ghostbur: Though you may not remember everything that happened while you were alive, I am thankful to have you around, I am sorry for how awful I have been to you, you don't deserve to be mistreated like that. Thank you for starting Logstedshire with me and coming with me when I was exiled. You're the best brother anyone could ask for. Love you, Tommy
Please pass this book onto the next person I mention.

Tubbo: I don't know what to say... I'm sorry for treating you poorly, I'm sorry for being such a shit friend, I hope you can forgive me. If our paths meet again, I hope we can talk as if nothing ever happened, I hope we can still be friends. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for, ever. Miss you, Tommy.
Please pass this book onto the next person I mention.


By the time Ghostbur found the book, it had been three days since Tommy had left.



Ok, so this chapter was kind of a stress relief chapter I guess, I was feeling bad and stressed while I wrote this, I've had an idea like this for ages! Anyways, in the book he was trying to sound more proper or whatever so it seemed like something was wrong I guess or he just wanted to write like that. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm very tired because I wrote this before bed, and please excuse spelling mistakes (minus 'bithc' because I did that on purpose). Have a great day/night <3

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