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"Well, zat woz a disaster," Isabelle sighs, yawning, as she plonks herself down on Charlie's bottom bunk, kicking her grey snow boots off.

Charlie nods his agreement, groaning as he stretches his joints, lying down next to Isabelle on his own bunk. Thomas and Amelia come into the room as well, the blond boy not even making it to the bed before he flops to the floor, his back against the wall.

The four students spent the day climbing up the mountain toward the apparent best spot for seeing Yetis, crouching amongst the snow for hours and hours on end, until their joints were all frozen and they could barely move when the professional wizards decided to give up and head back for the day.

None of them even saw so much as a Yeti footprint, let alone a real-life, living and breathing creature.

"And we have to go back out there tomorrow," Thomas groans, stretching his legs out.

"Tomorrow might be different," Charlie says, rubbing his neck and rolling his head around in his shoulders, trying to loosen his joints.

"You're too positive," Amelia snaps, sitting herself down cross-legged on the ground. "We're up in the mountains of Tibet, freezing cold and wet, without even having seen the slightest hint of a Yeti. Tomorrow's our last day before we leave. My bet is that it'll be just like today and this whole trip will have been for nothing."

"And you are too negative," Isabelle says from her spot on Charlie's bed. "Tenzin said zere woz going to be a storm tomorrow, did 'e not?"

The others look up at her, their expressions blank and their eyebrows raised. The French girl sighs.

"Were none of you guys listening zese past few days? Yetis prefer storms and almost always show zemselves when zere eez one. Zat means zat we might actually get to see one tomorrow. Charlie might be right."

"Whatever," Amelia says, standing back up. "Whether we get to see one tomorrow or not, I need a hot shower."

She stalks out of the room, into the one next door.

"She's charming," Charlie says with a snort, Thomas and Isabelle chuckling in agreement.

The next day arrives in a flurry of ice and snow, just as Isabelle predicted, the storm having already arrived and settled in to stay by the time the four students wake up.

"Make sure to put on your warmez' clo'es!" Dechen says to them, cheerful despite the angry weather.

The students take his advice, Isabelle putting her hair up in a quick, messy bun, not really caring how she looks as she pulls on her warmest coat and thickest boots, tying them up tightly.

"Alright everyone, listen up," Tenzin says, clasping his hands and staring down at the students through the thick swirling snow.

Everyone's standing around the campfire, which is now nothing more than a clump of snow-covered charred logs, all the students already shivering despite having put on their warmest gear.

"Yetiz are more likely to show 'emzelvez in 'iz zort of wea'er, zo make sure you all keep your eyez extra sharp today. Remember your training and 'e 'ingz you have learnt over 'e paz' couple of dayz. What you do out 'ere today, ezpecially if you come in contact wi' a Yeti, could be 'e differenze between life and dea'. Follow your inz'ructors and z'ick toge'er," Tenzin finishes with his usual hard glare.

Dechen, Wangchuk and Professor Kettleburn accompany Isabelle and Charlie down the side of the mountain, each of their wands easily accessible in their pockets. Dechen and Professor Kettleburn chat quietly together at the back of the group, Charlie and Isabelle holding onto each other as they make their way down through the windswept snow, trying not to lose their balance. Wangchuk takes the lead, just like he did the day before, his beady eyes darting all around, on guard.

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