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Isabelle stares at them.

She can't help it. Her best friend... two of her best friends... are actually Dragon Hunters? And they've been Dragon Hunters all this time? Isabelle's known them for years... this can't be right. It just can't be.

But Charlie's face says it all: Daniel lured him into this mess. Daniel trapped him, and both he and Elena were the ones to tip the Hunters off about Florin's plan. They're the reason Florin's dead right now. Florin, and several of his best Tamers ever.

Isabelle feels like she's going to throw up.

The Dragon Hunter behind her keeps pushing her forward, until she's standing right beside Charlie, with Daniel and Elena in front of them. Isabelle can't stop shaking her head. No. This isn't right. This can't be right.

"Elena..." Isabelle whispers, shaking her head. "Elena, you... this is not right..."

But all kindness seems to have vanished from Elena's eyes. She just stares coldly at Isabelle, unblinking.

"You are my best friend," Isabelle continues, tears pricking up in her eyes. "You cannot be doing this..."

Elena says nothing. Nothing flickers in her eyes. Daniel doesn't say anything, either. Nor does Charlie. He seems to have given up.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" a familiar voice booms out around the amphitheater.

Isabelle looks up to see the same Dragon Hunter from the pub. The same one that took her to that luxurious room; the same one who pushed her into the centre of this room.

"We are gathered here today to bring together this man, and this woman—"

"What the fuck are you doing?"

It's Charlie who snarls the words up at the Hunter. Isabelle looks at him, almost stepping back at the pure rage etched into his face.

"What do you think?" the Hunter muses. "You two are engaged, are you not? I figured it was only fair to marry you both before you die."

All the Dragon Hunters in the stands around the room burst into laughter. Isabelle feels sick. It's a show. It's all some vile, fucked up show. To torment and patronise both Isabelle and Charlie.

The Dragon Hunter — their leader, no doubt — then shrugs. "Well, if you two don't want to be husband and wife, that's not my problem. I tried. Actually, I think it suits me much better. You see, this way, we can move onto the fun stuff much quicker."

He grins. And it's not a happy, laughing grin. It's a grin that makes Isabelle's skin crawl. A grin that sends ice cold shivers down her spine. It's evil. That's what it is. Pure evil.

Then the leader whistles. One loud, piercing whistle through his teeth.

Daniel and Elena immediately turn and walk away from Isabelle and Charlie, to seemingly stand guard on opposite sides of the amphitheater. All the Hunters in the stands lean forwards, excited whispers breaking out amongst them.

A boom sounds. Then a slow grating that makes Isabelle's ears cringe. She and Charlie turn to see a massive metal door sliding upwards into the ceiling.

A dragon.

That's what's there behind the door. But not just any dragon... a Hungarian Horntail. Arguably the most vicious and dangerous dragon known to wizardkind. And it's looking directly at her and Charlie.

That's when Isabelle understands. The wedding wasn't just for show, it wasn't just to get a laugh out of all the Hunters — it's to put a target on Isabelle and Charlie. Because they're the only ones in light, bright clothes. Hell, Isabelle's dress even sparkles.

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