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Dear Miss Isabelle Eloise Leblanc,

It is with great happiness that we write to inform you of your astounding pass grade in both theory and practical examinations you faced at the Ministry late last month. Congratulations on your official title of Dragonologist. Your Ministry-certified certificate for this position is contained inside this envelope for your safekeeping.

Signed: Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, Order of Merlin (First Class)

Isabelle turns to Charlie, both locking eyes, and she instantly knows that he's passed as well, from the excitement present in them. Laughing in happiness, she flings herself at the red-headed man, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and letting him spin her around in celebration. They're both officially recognised Dragonologists! How crazy is that?

Grinning in delight, Isabelle turns back to her envelope and pulls out the official certificate announcing her as a Dragonologist. She beams at it, before frowning slightly.

"There is another letter in my envelope," Isabelle says, carefully pulling it out.

"Same in mine," Charlie says, unfolding his and beginning to read. Isabelle does the same.

Dear Miss Isabelle Eloise Leblanc,

As per your fantastic results on your Dragonology Examination that was held late last month, the Ministry of Magic would like to hereby formally invite you to hold a position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. If you accept this position, you will be working under the Beast Division, one of the three Divisions this Department offers, that deals with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as 'Beast' by the Ministry.

If you accept this position, you will be specifically assigned to all the duties and problems involving dragons, as that is your area of expertise, and may be regularly called in by the Ministry to deal with new duties and problems that draw the attention of the Ministry. It is a well-paid position, naturally, and the amount of money you are provided with relates to the severity and danger of the duties and problems you are faced with.

If you choose to accept this position in the Ministry, you will be expected to arrive in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic at 11am sharp on the 1st September. We hope to see you there.

Signed: Gethsemane Prickle, Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Isabelle's jaw practically drops when she finishes reading the letter. She's only just received her examination results and already she's been offered a job position? And at the Ministry, no less, which is one of the highest positions you can acquire under pretty much any career.

She turns to face Charlie, who's staring, wide-eyed, at his letter.

"What does yours say?" he asks as soon as he notices she's finished reading.

"The Ministry of Magic 'as offered me a position in the Beast Division in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures," Isabelle says softly, still in shock.

Charlie nods. "Same," he says, equally as quietly.

There's a long pause.

"Well, do we go for it?" Charlie asks eventually, glancing between Isabelle and the letter in his hands.

"Why not? It is an incredible opportunity," Isabelle says, "one that I did not think I would get for at least a few years of being a Dragonologist."

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