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"Ginny! I am so glad you are ok!" Isabelle exclaims, rushing up to the young girl and folding her into her arms, hugging her tightly.

Ginny blushes slightly as Isabelle pulls away, cupping her face and looking her up and down to make sure she's not hurt.

"I'm alright," the little girl says shyly, blushing slightly. Isabelle just nods.

"Of course you are," she says matter-of-factly, standing up and smiling down at Ginny's freckled face.

"I'm so glad you could come, too, my dear," Molly says from behind her daughter, pulling Isabelle into a hug just as motherly as Ana's. Isabelle melts into it.

It's the summer holidays now for all the Hogwarts students, and Charlie and Isabelle are back at the Burrow with most of the Weasley children, including Ginny, who, according to Ron, was saved by Harry. Isabelle and Charlie demanded to hear the whole story at once, of course, and Ron happily told them all; he talked about how he and Harry found out Ginny had been taken, and how they went to their incompetent Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, who tried to run away from the whole ordeal.

He talked about how he and Harry had already figured out where the Chamber was thanks to their friend, Hermione's, help, and forced Lockhart to its entrance, where they entered and Lockhart immediately tried to wipe their memories. Thanks to Ron's broken wand, however, the memory charm backfired and now he's in St Mungo's with no memories of who he is or what happened to him.

Harry then went on through the Chamber while Ron stayed with Lockhart and that's where Harry faced not only the monster within the Chamber — a Basilisk — but also Lord Voldemort, only in the form of his teenage self. Somehow, through sheer luck or pure determination and skill, Harry managed to defeat both of them and rescue Ginny, where they met up with Ron again and brought her up to the Dumbledore's office, safe and sound.

Both Isabelle and Charlie were understandably awestruck by the story, and Charlie's now looking forward to seeing Harry in order to thank him properly for his sister's safety. Isabelle would quite like to give him a massive hug, too.

"Yes, yes, so glad you're here," Arthur says as well, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. His wife turns to him, hands on her hips.

"Oh, spit it out, will you? What's got you so excited all of a sudden? You've been acting weird all day," Molly snaps, eyes narrowed at her husband.

"We're going to Egypt!" Arthur blurts out, causing everyone in the room — Molly, Charlie, Isabelle, Fred, George, Percy, Ron and Ginny — to stare at him in bewilderment.

"I won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw!" Arthur reveals, so excited that his words come out all in a rush, as if he's been bottling the news up for quite some time and has to race to let it all out. "I won seven hundred Galleons, Molly — seven hundred! Can you believe it?"

"What— Arthur—?" Molly splutters, but Arthur, too giddy, continues on excitedly.

"I've known about it for a couple of days now and Merlin it has been hard to keep it from you all! I didn't want to share it in the light of what's been going on with Ginny, but also because I decided what better way to spend it than to take a trip to Egypt and visit Bill? I've been planning it all already! The whole family can come — we've enough money now, after all, and I think it will be a fascinating trip, seeing all that Muggle stuff, but also a wonderful chance to visit Bill, of course, and a great trip away for the kids — they haven't had a proper holiday in so long, and—"

"Arthur!" Molly finally interrupts his flood of words, but though her voice is stern and loud, she's positively beaming. "You're serious about all this? We have seven hundred Galleons?"

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