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"Careful," Professor Kettleburn says to his class of four as they make their way down off the plane after their nine-hour long flight.

Isabelle yawns as she descends the rickety metal stairs off the plane, Charlie wrapping an arm around the petite girl to steady her.

She smiles sleepily up at him, and he swears his heart skips a beat. Far out, he really needs to get that under control.

The four students tiredly follow their professor across the flat ground towards a building, the inside somewhat similar to the airport in London.

"Now students, we have to wait here to collect our trunks, and then we are meeting up with some wizards from the International Task Force, who will take us to where we will be staying for the next week!" Professor Kettleburn says excitedly.

Isabelle can't help but grin; the teacher's excitement is contagious. Charlie looks down at her rosy cheeks and the happiness plastered all over her face and inwardly curses the stupid smile that appears on his lips.

Their luggage arrives, spinning around on a black leathery moving circuit, and the five of them collect their trunks, turning to Professor Kettleburn for their next instructions, entirely lost as to what to do in the Muggle world.

The professor beams down at them all.

"They'll be here any second now..."

And just as those words exit his mouth, the doors of the airport burst open and two wizards dressed from head-to-toe in raggedy layers of different shades of white and grey enter the room, heading straight for the group of five.

"You muz' be Zilvanuz Kettleburn," the taller of the two wizards says in a thick accent.

"Indeed I am!" Professor Kettleburn says brightly. "You're Tenzin, I assume?"

The taller wizard nods, then inclines his head sharply in greeting.

Isabelle looks up at him, and he catches her gaze, the young girl smiling softly at his dark, serious, business-like eyes. She swears something softens in them, if only for a second, before he tears his gaze away.

"Which means you must be Dechen!" Professor Kettleburn says happily, turning to the shorter wizard, whose eyes seem a lot less gruff than the others.

"'At iz I! It iz a pleasure to meet you all!" Dechen says, much more welcoming and easygoing than his partner.

"Follow uz, we will take you to your Portkey," Tenzin says stoically, turning around without waiting for a response and heading straight back out the front doors of the airport.

Dechen and Professor Kettleburn follow, beginning to talk to each other effortlessly as if they've known each other for years.

The four students share a look, as if considering the new arrivals, noting what each other thinks of them, before they haul their trunks up, trailing after their teacher, still tired from the plane ride.

The group of seven make their way around towards the back of the airport, to what seems to be a little alleyway for all the garbage.

Isabelle wrinkles up her nose as they enter, the smell rather pungent, waving her wand and clearing the smell from her nostrils instantly.

They all gather around an old boot, Tenzin pulling back layers of fabric to check his watch.

"Ten zecondz," he states, everyone arranging themselves around the boot in order to touch it with a fingertip.

Isabelle touches the heel of the boot with one hand, gripping her trunk with the other. Charlie's right beside her, doing the same thing, his chest right at her eye level.

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