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Three weeks later, Isabelle's curled up in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary's library, sitting in a comfy armchair she conjured up, pouring over book after book after book. Charlie's with her, but neither of them talk to the other, simply studying for their upcoming exam.

Sure, their exam's not for another month and a half, but they have so much content they need to cram into their brains that they started studying as soon as they got back to Romania. Isabelle's spent the majority of her time back at the Sanctuary in its enormous library, working her way through the shelves, taking notes here and there on things she knows she'll forget.

Charlie's mainly been the one that's sat beside her and worked silently in the library, studying up upon everything he doesn't know. Which, coincidentally, is stuff that Isabelle knows. And visa versa.

They figured that out almost immediately, of course, and have been helping each other study so far. Isabelle knows a lot of the theory stuff about dragons and has retained pretty much every ounce of information Florin's told them over the years, but she lacks knowledge on the physical and practical side of things, like tracking and caring for the dragons and how to act around the different species. That, naturally, is what Charlie excels at, while struggling with the theory side of things.

The both of them together make quite the study team, and they've been using that to their advantage, mostly. But oftentimes, like at the moment, they just sit in silence, learning and studying different things at their own pace.

Charlie glances down at his watch then, and promptly packs away his things. Isabelle looks up at him, before focussing back down at her book.

"'Ad enough studying?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm done," Charlie says, putting the books back on the shelf before kissing the top of her head. "I'll see you later. Big day tomorrow." He winks at her as he exits the library.

Isabelle blinks. Big day tomorrow. She completely forgot... Tomorrow is May the twelfth — or, in other words, her birthday. She'll be twenty. That's crazy.

She just shakes her head slightly, trying to rid her head of the thoughts of tomorrow now swirling around in her mind, trying to go back to studying. Maybe tomorrow she'll treat herself by having a break from studying altogether. Maybe she'll just relax in her hut all day or go up to visit Codrin again.

She hasn't seen the Common Welsh Green in a while, after all. Of course, she went up and saw him when she first got back to Romania a few weeks ago, but she's been so preoccupied in the library lately that she hasn't been back to see him. She's pretty sure Daniel's gone up a couple of times, though, so the dragon won't be entirely alone.

Elena's not in their hut as Isabelle returns later on that night, but the golden-haired girl doesn't think anything of it, showering and getting ready for bed. She's just falling asleep when Elena slips in, and doesn't see the big grin on her friend's face.

By the time Isabelle wakes up the next morning, Elena's disappeared again.

Despite this, she's unable to keep the small smile off her face as she pulls herself out of bed; Isabelle gets dressed in some dark blue jeans and a white top, just like she normally would, but then braids her hair nicely into a bun at the back of her head for the special occasion.

Then she walks out of her hut, frowning slightly at the deserted Sanctuary. There's no one around... Where have they all gone? But she just pushes the thought away, heading across the grounds, towards the walkway which leads up to Codrin's clearing.

"'Ello, sweet'eart," she smiles as Codrin lands down in front of her, nuzzling his snout into her side in greeting.

She smiles and kisses the top of his scaly head, letting Codrin lift her gently up onto the nearest low branch.

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