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Isabelle wraps her thick cloak more tightly around her as she finally makes it to the top, panting heavily. Even if she's become fitter than she was four months ago, climbing up through the ice and snow to get to the top of this mountain is no easy task.

"Isabelle!" a familiar voice calls out, and the French girl's eyes brighten as she sees Daniel making his way towards her, grinning.

Charlie's there as well, obviously, and the two of them lead Isabelle and Avram over towards the Short Snout enclosure.

"You don't wanna miss this," Charlie mumbles in her ear, guiding his girlfriend towards the edge, where they have a perfect view of the silvery-blue dragons down below.

Isabelle's eyes widen, her breath hitching in her throat.

Three of the Swedish Short Snouts are locked in a fierce combat, each of them clawing and blasting brilliant blue flames at the others. And despite the freezing cold, despite the ice and snow all around them, despite being at least fifty feet above the fighting dragons, Isabelle can still feel the heat of their flames on her face, making it flush.

It's been two weeks since the beginning of their third task, and Avram and Isabelle have found out which potions will keep them from the harm of the flames — the Fire Protection Potion, protecting the drinker from being burnt, and the Girding Potion, giving the drinker extra endurance. The two students came to the conclusion that if they brew both those potions and then mix them together, it will give the Fire Protection Potion extra strength — enough to stop the Short Snout's flame.

The only problem is, they don't know if mixing the potions will actually work, and do as they believe, or if it will simply render both potions useless. It's a risk they're willing to take at this point, having begun to brew more than necessary of both, in case they need extra or make some sort of mistake.

But now, looking down at the dragons fighting, feeling the heat of their flames from her position far away... Isabelle doesn't know that their plan's going to work, even if the two potions mix together perfectly.

The French girl looks into Avram's kind eyes, and she knows he's thinking the exact same thing. They both grimace at each other, before turning back to stare down at the three fighting dragons. Four, now; another dragon has joined in the fray, this one bigger than the other three, and Isabelle's eyes widen as she sees tiny human figures rush into the enclosure.

"What are zey doing?" she asks, staring, Charlie's hand tensing on the small of her back.

"Are they trying to get themselves killed?" Daniel echoes her thoughts, frowning in worry.

The four of them watch as the Dragon Tamers continue to run straight towards the fight, holding out their wands where thick chains appear out of thin air, wrapping around two of the four dragons. The Short Snouts bellow and struggle as they're restrained, getting dragged away from the other two in opposite directions.

Brilliant blue flames are blasted in all directions, the Dragon Tamers holding up cloaks of their own to prevent themselves from turning to ash. Isabelle's eyes widen as their cloaks hold strong. They clearly all succeeded in this task, then. Unless it took them a couple of turns to get it right, of course.

The four students look on as more Dragon Tamers race into the scene, binding the other two Short Snouts still locked in combat, attempting to drag them all away to different areas of the enclosure and prevent the fight that started to get out of hand.

"We don't usually intervene when dragons fight," a familiar voice says from behind them, making the students whip around to see a grim-faced Florin standing there. When he arrived, none of them have any idea.

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