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As well as studying for their NEWTs, Charlie and Noah train tirelessly for the upcoming Quidditch match: the last game of the season, the match of the year, played between the two best teams, to see who will win the Quidditch Cup. Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw.

Charlie and Noah only talk about Quidditch for the next couple of days, but the other three let them do it, often joining in their conversation, all five them extremely excited about the upcoming game.

The whole school's talking about it, even the other two houses, every single student buzzing with excitement at the outcome.

On the morning of the match, Isabelle heads into the Great Hall in a mustard yellow sweater and her crimson and gold scarf Noah gave her for Christmas, seeing the Gryffindor Keeper already at the table talking last-minute tactics with his Captain.

The French girl slides into her seat beside Charlie, reaching over him to grab a croissant.

"Morning to you, too," the Gryffindor Seeker says to her as she munches away on her breakfast.

Isabelle grins up at him, swallowing her mouthful.

"Oui, 'ello, you two," she chirps, continuing to eat her breakfast.

"You're in a good mood," Noah comments, smiling fondly down at the French girl.

Even though he hasn't even known Isabelle for a year yet, Noah has come to think of the golden-haired girl as a little sister, having two of them himself, neither of them yet at Hogwarts. She's just such a soft and gentle girl, someone you'd naturally want to look out for and make sure is going ok. And Noah gladly does, having acted like a big brother to her ever since she first arrived.

Isabelle has noticed, of course, and finds it absolutely adorable, though she wouldn't dare say anything of the sort on the matter. Instead, she just grins up at him and nods.

"Oui," is all she says.

"And why is that, hm?" Noah presses, still smiling at her as she munches on her croissant.

"Because we are going to win," she says simply, finishing her breakfast.

"We?" Charlie teases, nudging the girl beside him. "Since when were you a Gryffindor?"

"Since Noah gave me zis scarf," Isabelle replies, grabbing one end of the scarf and swinging it around so it gently slaps Charlie in the face.

Both boys chuckle, Charlie batting her away, which only causes her grin to widen.

"That's fair enough," Noah says, looking up and grinning as Ollie and Maisie arrive.

The Gryffindor girl plonks herself down next to the Keeper, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"You ready to win this thing?" she asks, also in a good mood, taking a bite out of a piece of toast with her other hand.

"Both of you are extraordinarily confident," Noah chuckles in response, gesturing to Isabelle as well.

Maisie turns to the French girl and grins.

"That's because we're psychic, aren't we?"

"Oh, most definitely," Isabelle's grin matches her own.

"Speaking of the game, we should head down," Charlie says to the brown-haired boy opposite him.

Noah nods in agreement, giving Maisie's hand a squeeze before he stands up. Charlie pulls Isabelle in for a quick good luck hug, before he joins Noah, the two of them heading out of the Hall, walking towards the pitch together.

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