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Isabelle wakes early to the blaring alarm she set herself the night before.

Groaning, she rolls over and turns it off, forcing herself to sit up and rub her eyes. She looks over at the time.

Five o'clock. It's five o'clock in the morning. It should be illegal to wake up this early.

Groaning once more, she stands up, grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom, stripping down and stepping into the shower.

The cold water jolts her awake, her eyes snapping open wide, goosebumps spreading across her skin. Well, that's one way to wake her up.

She dries herself off after a while, using her wand to dry her hair, pulling on a thin, white turtleneck, some dark grey pants and some black boots. Isabelle then pulls her hair up into a loose, messy bun at the base of her head, half her hair falling out of it immediately.

She doesn't particularly care, just trying to suppress a yawn instead.

The French girl grabs her packed trunk and her wand, leaving Célia with a rub behind her ears and a magical re-filling food bowl, before she heads out of her chambers.

She walks down through the silent castle, meeting up with a tired Thomas as she goes, the two of them smiling sleepily at each other as they head out into the freezing, misty grounds together, making their way down to the Forbidden Forest.

Charlie and Amelia are already there, and Isabelle heads over to the red-headed boy, who seems awake and alert.

He grins down at Isabelle's sleepy, zombie-like state.

"Morning," he smirks.

She just glares at him, grunting a hello, causing him to chuckle.

"Tired?" he asks, teasing.

She glares at him again, shivering once more in the cold morning air. Charlie notices.

"Here," he says, pulling a big, black hoodie out of his trunk. "It'll keep you warm."

Isabelle pulls it over her head, snuggling down into the jumper, almost losing herself in the extensive fabric. Charlie chuckles.

"Fits you perfectly," he grins.

Isabelle rolls her eyes, but smiles up at him all the same.

"Merci," she says softly, yawning.

"Vous êtes les bienvenus," Charlie replies, causing Isabelle's eyes to widen.

"Am I too tired to 'ear properly or did you just speak French?" she asks, shocked.

Charlie grins.

"I've been practising. I'm not very good, and my pronunciation's a bit off, but I've learnt a couple of phrases," he admits.

Isabelle's beautiful blue eyes seem to light up, making Charlie's cheeks heat up as he looks down at her petite frame that's practically lost in his hoodie.

"Je suis fier de toi," Isabelle says with a smile.

Charlie frowns.

"What does that mean?" he asks.

"I am proud of you," the French girl responds, causing Charlie's cheeks to turn even more scarlet.

"Thanks," he mumbles.

"Ah, you're all here! Marvellous, marvellous!" Professor Kettleburn's voice sounds as he appears from the trees, a bag floating in the air beside him as he emerges from the Forest.

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