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"I don't like it."

"We have to do it."

"I never said you can't do it, I merely said that I don't like it," Charlie grumbles.

"Neither do I," Isabelle sighs. "But it is a good idea and it is the first thing we have thought of that might just work."

Charlie runs a hand through his hair. He looks like he's going to say something, argue her point, but then he just sighs in defeat.

"I know," he says quietly. "I know. I just don't like the thought of you seducing anyone else, let alone a Dragon Hunter, purely for some information. What if something goes wrong?"

"Well, that is where all my training comes in, I suppose. I will be fine. So will Elena. We will take care of each other."

"I know you will," Charlie says with another sigh. "But if they so much as touch you, imma beat the living shit out of them."

Isabelle smiles, stroking his hair as he plonks himself down on his bed.

"Sounds good to me," she whispers, kissing the top of his head.

It feels like only two seconds later that she's in the bathroom with Elena, getting changed and doing her hair, putting on jewellery. Isabelle's wearing a short black skirt and a rather low-cut blue silk top that she's tucked in. Her hair — courtesy of Elena — has been pulled back into a braid down the back of her head, with some strands left out to frame her face. Elena also let her borrow one of her necklaces, a delicate gold one that draws attention to her chest every time it sparkles.

Elena's looking just as alluring in her outfit of black and red, and the two girls head out of their hut when they're ready, into the darkness beyond. Florin, Daniel and Charlie meet them there, the latter two looking their girl up and down, blinking in awe.

"Now, this is a very serious mission, and one that is quite different from what you're used to," Florin begins, looking at each girl seriously.

Isabelle and Elena nod, serious as he advises them.

"I know that both of you are well-equipped for fighting and that both of you are outstanding at capturing dragons and not getting injured while being around them, but I must warn you: while dragons are deadly, men can be just as dangerous, just in different ways. Ways that the two of you might not be as well-equipped in as you are with dragons. So," Florin says, starting to pace back and forth as he holds his hands behind his back, "let's go over the plan once again."

The two girls stand next to each other, listening intently to the bearded man before them, even though they both already know the plan back to front.

They're meant to enter the pub where the Dragon Hunters are thought to go every night before their hunt, the two girls just hanging around the bar and drinking — not drinking a lot, because they need to be fully aware of what's going on around them, but acting as though they're quite drunk — and eyeing off the men they think are most likely the Hunters. Then, they're meant to catch their eyes and get close to them, starting to talk, figuring out who they are potentially or where they're going next.

If something goes wrong and they need help, they have to give a signal to Charlie and Daniel, who will be waiting outside, sitting on a bench and drinking some beer — they'll just pretend to be two friends out for a drink. If the girls signal them, then they'll rush into the pub, acting completely drunk, knocking over tables and causing a scene, allowing Isabelle and Elena to disappear.

And if the girls can somehow confirm that the men they're talking to actually are Dragon Hunters, they are to lure them out the back of the pub where Florin and a team will be waiting, ready to arrest them.

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